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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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all most与almost是同义还是不同义

▲这里的 most 表示程度,相当于 very。如:This news is most encouraging. 这个消息十分令人鼓舞。It really was most kind of you to help. 你来帮忙真是好心。Thank you for your help. I really am most grateful. 谢谢你的帮助,我真的非常感激。而 most 前面的 all 在没有上下文的情况下,有两种可能的理解:一是...

回答于 2014-11-02 23:11

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midnight与on midnight之辨

▲其实这里 on 并非与 midnight 搭配,而是与 just 搭配,口语中的 just on 可表示“正好”“恰好”“刚好”,如:It’s just on six o’clock. 现在正好六点钟。She’s just on ninety years old. 她整九十岁。it was just on midnight 的意思是“刚好是午夜”,其中的just on 表示“刚好”“正好”。▲联想一下:It’s close on midnight....

回答于 2014-11-02 22:15

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▲没错,cautiously 最常见的用法是修饰动词。又如:She cautiously approached the house. 她小心地走近那幢房子。She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail. 她紧紧地抓着栏杆,小心翼翼地爬楼梯。She took off her shoes and cautiously dipped a toe in. 她脱下鞋小心翼翼地用一个脚趾探了探...

回答于 2014-11-02 22:05

17 赞同

make sure后接句子时用什么时态

make sure 后面接句子时,其谓语动词的时态根据情况完全可使用多种时态,注意以下几点:▲如果 make sure后面的句子本来就是描述现在的情况(即符合使用一般现在时的条件),则自然是用一般现在时。如:Make sure the lid is on. 确定盖子在上面。Go and make sure she is all right. 去弄清楚她是不是真的没事。I think the...

回答于 2014-11-02 21:39

9 赞同

pay in cash (bycash,with cash)辨析

▲表示“用现金”,用 in cash 和 by cash 都可以,前者侧重指用“现金的形式”,后者侧重指“以现金的方式”,但在实际应用中常可混用:Would you pay me in cash, please? 请您付给我现金行吗?I would appreciate it if you paid in cash. 你若付现金,我将非常感谢。The purchase price is less if you pay by cash. 付现金的话...

回答于 2014-11-02 17:27

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100 metres race(100米短跑比赛)对吗

表示“100米赛跑”以及类似的“500米赛跑”“1000米赛跑”等,以下表达都是可以的:▲100-metre raceEvans visualized every step he would take in the 400-meter race.(《朗文美语词典》)Everybody believes he will be the winner of the 100-metre race.(2000上海高考春季卷)▲100 metre raceHe is competing in both the 1...

回答于 2014-11-02 17:15

7 赞同

check后面的宾语从句不能用if, whether引导吗

这道题的设计并不严谨,其实选 that, if, whether 三个都可以。关于这个问题,网站上龙老师曾有过解答,请参考:https://www.cpsenglish.com/question/371

回答于 2014-11-02 16:48

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go to school与go to prison有相似性吗

‍go to school 与 go to prison 有相似之处,只是形式上的。go to prison 的实际意思不是指像“去上学”那样“去坐牢”,而是指“导致入狱”“被迫蹲监狱”等。如:You can go to prison for dangerous driving. 鲁莽驾驶可导致入狱。He says he’d rather go to prison than pay the...

回答于 2014-11-01 14:31

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可以考虑译为 mother dog, mother hen,mother bird 等。如:The young birds were under the mother bird’s wing. 小鸟躲在鸟妈妈的翅膀下。The mother dog accidentally smothered one of the pups. 狗妈妈不小心把一只小狗闷死了。Look how the mother chimpanzee cares for her young. 瞧,母黑猩猩(黑猩猩妈妈)多爱护...

回答于 2014-11-01 14:11

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Prince Charming(白马王子)前面可用不定冠词吗

▲Prince Charming 表示“白马王子”,通常含有 humorous 意味,指的是 a man who seems to be a perfect boyfriend or husband because he is attractive, kind, etc. 用法同专有名词,其前通常不用不定冠词。又如:(1) She had some fancy that Prince Charming would come along. 她感觉自己的白马王子迟早会来的。(2) In t...

回答于 2014-11-01 14:00