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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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1379 个回答

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train 表示类似“训练”的意思时,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,所以如果语义需要,用主动语态和被动语态都是可能的,但两者意有所不同:▲主动语态:Sb trains. 指某人主动或自主训练。如:The trainer observed the players as they trained on the field. 运动员在操场上练习时,教练员仔细地观察着他们。She train...

回答于 2014-11-13 21:37

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fall from the tree 还是 fall off the tree

回答于 2014-11-11 09:31

6 赞同


▲夸克等人合著的《英语语法大使》认为表示地点的副词 here 和 there 可以用于以下介词后面作宾语:along, around, down, from, in,near, on, out of, over, round, through, under, up。▲典型例句:I give the orders around here, if you don’t mind. 不好意思,在这我说了算。I keep meaning to come down here and clea...

回答于 2014-11-08 23:57

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page 既可指“一个页面”,也可指“两个页面”(即一张纸的正反两面)。比如《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》)对 page 的解释就包括有以上两个意思:(a) (abbr 缩写 p) one side of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine, etc (书﹑ 杂志等的)页read a few pages of a book 看几页书You'll find the quotation on page 35. 引...

回答于 2014-11-08 19:01

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▲含有 park 的专有名词前是否用定冠词应视情况而定,大致原则如下:1. 若 park 前的名词为专有名词,其前通常不用冠词:The band will be performing live in Hyde Park. 那乐队将在海德公园作现场表演。He said he was phoning from Landsford Park,wherever that is. 他说他是从兰斯福德公园打的电话,也不知那是什么...

回答于 2014-11-08 18:35

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the Minister of Education与the 

▲表示“教育部长”,用 the Minister of Education 和 the Minister for Education 都对,但以前者为多见。如:1. The students wrote an open letter to the Minister of Education.学生们给教育部长写了一封公开信。2. The final irony was that he became Minister of Education having left school at 12....

回答于 2014-11-07 22:09

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a lot of 后面接的名词可以有定冠词吗?

另外,a lot of 后面直接跟可数名词时,这个名词应用复数。如:He has read a lot of books. 他读了许多书。但 a lot of the 后面跟可数名词时,根据意义的需要,这个名词可以是单数也可以是复数。如:He has read a lot of the book. 这本书他已读了一大半。He has read a lot of the books. 这些书他已读了一大半。

回答于 2014-11-07 21:14

13 赞同

every Sunday与on every Sunday的用法

▲张道真与温志达合编的《英语语法大全》在1637节指出:……从理论上可以看作是介词短语,其中 at, on 或 in 省略:He came (in) every year. He left (on) last Sunday. We shall meet (at) next Christmas. ▲但夸克等人在《英语语法大全》中则认为下面的句子是对的:Every Sunday we usually go for a walk...

回答于 2014-11-04 23:47

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关于How do you come to do&n

▲是的,How do you come to do sth 是英语中的固定句式,它的意思是“你是怎么……的?”,下面的句子摘自张道真《现代英语用法词典》:How did you come to know him? How do you come to know it? How did you come to be meeting Mrs. Howard, Lewis? How did you come to hear the news? How do you come to be working wit...

回答于 2014-11-04 22:47

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▲come 后接不定式,表示经过一定时间而逐渐发生某情况,常译为“开始”“渐渐地”“终于”。如:How did you come to know her? 你是怎么认识她的?You’ll come to understand your parents someday. 你总有一天会理解你的父母。▲有时 come 后接的不定式也可以是被动的,表示“...

回答于 2014-11-04 22:35