你的句子没有更多的上下文,如果仅从后面的 was still in danger 来,此处填介词 at或above, over 均可。又如:He was at 39℃ and had vomited twice. 他高烧烧到39度,已呕吐了两次。The temperature crept up to just above 40℃. 温度攀升至40度出头。The thermometer registered over 100℃. 温度计上显示的读数超过了 10...
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其中的 lie 为系动词,其后的 sprawled 为过去分词转化来的形容词,用作表语。句意:She lay sprawled across the bed. 她手脚摊开趴在床上。类似的例子如:(1) Broken glass lay scattered on the carpet. 碎玻璃散落在地毯上。(2) The king is dead and lies buried at Jedburgh Abbey. 国王死了,埋葬在杰德堡修道...
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答案应选 B。因为这里的 those 是用于代替复数名词 remains(遗体,遗骸)。句意如下:The remains have been identified as those of a Mr Thomas, who lived in Richmond. 遗体被确认是一个名叫托马斯的人,他住在里士满。
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表示度数的℃完全可以连用带小数点的数字,36.5℃,38.8℃,41.2℃等均可以说。例如:The solution boiled at 57.4℃. 溶液在 57.4 摄氏度时沸腾。
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可以说 The teacher is at school 的。▲根据朗文词典,at school 有两个意思:(1) in the school building 在学校里I can get some work done while the kids are at school. 孩子上学以后我可以干一些活。(2) [BrE] attending a school, rather than being at college or university or having a job &nbs...
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1. 大家知道,in front of 与 in the front of 用法不同,前者表示“在……前面”,指范围之外的前面;后者表示“在……的前部”,指范围之内的前部。比较:There’s a bus stop in front of the school. 学校前面有个公共汽车站。(范围之外)I prefer to travel in the front of the car. 我喜欢坐在汽车的前面。(范围之内)2.&nb...
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▲单纯从语法上看,下面三种表达都可以:the meeting of March 12 the meeting on March 12 March 12’s meeting ▲用介词 of 的例子比较普遍,如:Have you received my letter of June 17? 您收到我6月17日的信了吗?I hereby acknowledge receipt of your letter of 25 July. 特此告知贵方7月25日的来函收悉。There is much...
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动词 like 和 love 在有些用法不可以用于进行时态,有些用法可以用于进行时态,但要注意它们在用法上的特点和区别:1. 如果是表示一般性的喜欢或喜爱,它通常是用一般时态,而不能用于进行时态。如:I like cats but dislike dogs. 我喜欢猫,不喜欢狗。She likes music, and so do I. 她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢音...
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▲这样的词好像不多,临时想到一个:impostor / imposter n.[C]冒名顶替者;骗子▲顺便补充一下,英语以 –er 结尾的名词很多,但以 –or 结尾的词比较有限,以下是一些比较常见的,列出来供参考:actorr n.男演员ambassador n.大使,使节,派驻国际组织的代表ancestor n.1.祖先,祖宗 2.原形,先驱anchor n.1.锚 2.给人安全...
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