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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

88351 经验值
主页被访问 31660 次

1379 个回答

5 赞同

of all others是什么用法(是有所省略吗)

of all... 是口语中的一个惯用表达,主要用于表示惊讶、巧合、意外等义,意思是在最不可能或最料不到的人或事例中“偏偏……”“就连……”“居然……”,比较常见的搭配有 of all others, of all people, of all things, of all places, of all others 等(在句中用作插入语)。如:(1) She did not want to quarrel with Maria today,...

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8 赞同

on the side of与to the side of的区别

▲从语法上看,本句填 on 或 to 都不算错,但从实际情况来看,最好是填 to。首先,房子有“边”(side)吗?就算有“边”(side),这个 stable 能建在它的 side 上吗?当然,side 还有一个可能的意思,那就是“侧面”,类似于 the side of the box,我们可以说 the side of the house,比如我们说:Write your name on the side o...

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3 赞同


不定式的肯定式和否定式都可以用作定语,用法是一样的,只是意思不同。下面是不定式否定式作定语的几个例子,注意体会:He had the tact not to mention her divorce. 他很乖巧,避免提及她离婚的事。We have an agreement not to talk about some things. 我们有一个协议,不谈某些事。We were the only team not to choke...

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37 赞同


▲下面四句都是对的:Two youths age 16 were arrested.  两名16岁的年轻人被捕了。Two youths aged 16 were arrested. 两名16岁的年轻人被捕了。Children age 12 and up must pay the full fare.  12 岁及以上儿童需购买全票。Children aged 12 and up must pay the full fare. 12 岁及以上儿童需购买全票。【说...

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15 赞同

I would appreciate if与I would appreciate it if辨析

有人认为 I would appreciate if…或 I would appreciate it if…都可以用,但在现代英语中通常是有 it 的,即这类句式中的 it 通常不宜省略。比如《葛传椝英语惯用法词典》就认为:I shall appreciate it if you will give me his address 里的 it 最好不要省去。注:该词典认为“it 最好不要省去”,那言外之意就是,省略 it...

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1 赞同


I couldn’t tell her the secret with her mother standing by. 因为她母亲在场,我不能把这秘密告诉她。WithEnglandnot playing, the smart money was on the Germans. 英格兰队没有参赛,所以人们看好德国队应该会赢。With the weather worsening, they’ve called off the search for survivors. 由于天气越来越糟,他们...

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12 赞同

most of my family作主语谓语动词用单数还是用复数

对于这个问题,我与前面几位老师的看法有所不同。▲我觉得原句没有错。family作为集合名词,它到底表示复数意义还是单数意义,取决于说话者是把它当作整体看待还是从其个体去考虑。比如:Most of my family lives in Arizona. 我的家人大部分住在亚利桑那州。(美国传统词典)Most of my family are musicians; it runs in t...

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7 赞同

关于listen to/look at sb doing sth及其被动用法的讨论

look at 和 listen to 在后接非谓语动词作宾补时,有相同之处,也有不同之处:相同之处:两者均可后接现在分词作宾补,即用于 look at sb / sth doing sth 和 listen to sb / sth doing sth。如:We sat there listening to the children singing. 我们坐在那里听孩子们唱歌。We sat there looking at the children playing...

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6 赞同

I bought books yesterday这句话有错误吗


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5 赞同


前面几位老师的解答都很好。我补充一下,供参考!本句如果没有特定的上下文,答案并不唯一。▲这个句子,我估计学生最先想到的答案可能就是 to wait for。但在一般情况,如果用 wait for, 感觉比较被动和消极。但在当前这个社会中,有一种情况可能填 to wait for是最佳的——如果你是用滴滴打车叫了车,车预计10分钟就到,你匆...

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