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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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61 赞同


这个问题有点大,没有好好研究过,下面是临时凑的几条,不一定全面,仅供参考:▲如果定语从句的谓语是进行时态(包括用进行时态表示将来意义的用法),通常可以转化为现在分词或过去分词短语(括号内的词不省略为定语从 句,省略后即为现在分词短语作定语)。如:Do you know the woman (who is) talking to Tom? 和汤...

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23 赞同

first one与the first one的用法区别

the first one 和 first one 都可以用,但有区别:▲the first one 主要用于特指的场合。如:Our house is the first one on the right. 我们的房子是右边的第一栋。After their argument, he was the first one to hold out an olive branch. 争吵过后,他首先示好。I was the first one to get there, Helen arrived after...

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12 赞同

虚拟语气中的If I were you可以说成If was you吗

这是一个语法学家们有分歧的问题:▲有的语法学家认为 If I were you 不能说成 If I was you。比如《朗文英语语法》在14.13.2节就认为在 If I were you / If I were in your position 中不用 was。该书所给例句为:If I were you / in your position, I’d accept their offer. 如果我是你,我就接受他们的建议。 ▲但事...

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2 赞同


你的句子完全符合英语习惯,这里所用的就是所谓的“转喻”(metonymy)修辞格。Isn’t five too early to go to school? 五岁的孩子上学不太早了吗?= Isn’t a child of five too early to go to school? 五岁的孩子上学不太早了吗?类似的例句如:Isn’t 17 a little young to be contemplating marriage? 17岁就考虑结婚是不...

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7 赞同

go to work in与go to work to用法之辨

第一句是对的,应该用介词 in。go to work, go to school 这类结构后接工作或学习的地点时,通常用介词 in 而不用 to。又如:He goes to school in New   York. 他在纽约上学。She was going to school in Boston. 她在波士顿上大学。She needs to perfect her Arabic before going to work in Cairo. 她需要把阿拉伯...

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8 赞同


第一个 of:the performance of a group 中的 of 表所属关系,意思是“一个组的表现”。第二个 of:the average IQ of the group 中的 of 也表所属关系,意思是“这个组的平均智商”。第三个 of:the group of even the IQ's of the smartest members 中的 of 表示某人或某事物具有的特点或特性,意思...

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6 赞同

all Monday与all of Monday的用法问题

▲两种表达都可以,均表示“整个……”“……一整天”,即:正:all Monay, all Tuesday, all Wednesday, all Thursady, all Friday, all Saturday, all Sunday正:all of Monay, all of Tuesday, all of Wednesday, all of Thursady, all of Friday, all of Saturday, all of Sunday均表示:星期一、星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五...

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所谓非断定结构,简单地说就是含有非断定词项(有的语法著作称之为非肯定词)的结构。那么非断定词项(或非肯定词)是指哪些词?其中最常见的就是 any 以及 anyone, anything, anybody, anywhere 等,另外还包括 either, at all, ever, yet 等。如果一个句子结构含有这类非断定词项(或非肯定词),那么它就是非断定结构。...

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2 赞同

Many’s the tree that…是什么句型(如何分析和理解)

▲根据《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》:many’s the sb / sth who / that...是一个句式,意思是there are many people / things that...有很多的……人[事物]。如:Many’s the promise that has been broken. 违反诺言的事经常有。Many’s the time that I heard him use those words. 有很多次我听到他使用那些词语。▲比较相关表达 m...

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77 赞同


much 可以修饰形容词的原级,但用法非常有限,通受其修饰的形容词似乎只有good, different等极少数形容词,而且通常只限于否定句和疑问句中。如:1. much goodThe movie wasn’t much good. 这部影片不是很好。I’m not usually much good at this sort of game, but I’ll give it a go. 我通常不大擅长这种游戏,不过我可以...

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