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华文出版传媒执行主编, “高考真题大数据研究院”负责人,根据近10年真题大数据编写的《高考英语备考1号•词汇编》《高考英语备考1号•速效编》等已由湖南大学出版社正式出版。

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主页被访问 31688 次

1379 个回答

27 赞同

over less than是什么意思

▲这里的 over 不是“多于”的意思,而是表示时间意义的“在……期间”“直到……过后”。如:They talked over a cup of tea. 他们一边喝茶一边谈。Will you be at home over Christmas? 圣诞节期间你在家吗?▲所以你的句子中 over less than a decade 应该这样理解:less than a decade 不到10 年的时间over less than a decade 在不...

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be gone for three months与be three months gone的区别

两句话意思完全不同:She has been gone for three months. 她已离开三个月了。(特定语境中也可表示“去世三个月”)She is three months gone. 她怀孕三个月了。(=She became pregnant three months ago.)

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10 赞同

become 能跟“since + 一段时间”连用吗

谢谢刘老师出题,我来试试,不妥或错误之处,请指正!▲对于She has become a teacher since 1990.的理解我认为,原则上说非延续性动词不能跟since 连用,但有时有例外,比如表示“变化过程”的动词,以上问题中提到的 become 就是其中一个。以刘老师所给句子为例:我认为原则上不能说:She has become a teacher since 1990....

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用go to a school表示“上学”的用法

老师说的【go to school 表示“上学”,go to the school 表示“到这所学校去”(不一定是上学读书,可能是去办事等)】属于一般情况(或通常情况)。■在通常情况下,汉语说“上学”,英语用 go to school,其中的 school 前不用冠词,即使school 用于专有名词也是一样。如:I go to school by cycle every day. 我每天骑自行车上...

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分词短语分析(Seeing that you have no time...)

▲其实这里的 seeing 并不是普通意义的分词,seeing that 在此为连词,表示原因(引导原因状语从句(其中的 that 有时也可以省略)。如:Seeing that he’s ill, he’s unlikely to come. 因为他病了,大概不会来了。Seeing that it’s raining, we’d better stay indoors. 既然外边在下雨,我们最好呆在室内。Seeing that he’s...

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17 赞同


谢谢曹老师和刘老师出题,我来试试,不妥或错误之处,请指正!▲对于She has become a teacher since 1990.的理解我认为,原则上说非延续性动词不能跟since 连用,但有时有例外,比如表示“变化过程”的动词,以上问题中提到的 become 就是其中一个。以刘老师所给句子为例:我认为原则上不能说:She has become a teacher sinc...

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7 赞同

​in the airport与at the airport 的区别

at the airport 和 in the airport 都可以说,其区别与“大”“小”无关。一般说来,把若“机场”看作一个“点”,则用 at;若指在“机场”的建筑物内,则用介词 in。如:Our plane landed at the airport. 我们的飞机在机场降落。(只能用 at)Meeting Gail in / at the airport was purely coincidental. 在机场遇见盖尔完全是巧...

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​Hardly a day goes by...的用法疑问

曹老师的解答非常好!本题答案只能选 but。本题如果要选 when,则从句需用否定式,比较下面的同义句:Hardly a day goes by but I write to my family.=Hardly a day goes by when I don't write to my family.=Hardly a day goes by that I don't write to my family.=Hardly a day goes by without me / my writi...

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[1] The winter of 1963 was an exciting time.[2] Winter in 1963 was not like this last winter.  所谓calendar time(日历时间)就是指根据日历划分的季节时间,根据我国的农历,从立春至立夏是春季,从立夏至立秋是夏季,从立秋至立冬是秋季,从立冬至次年立春是冬季——这说的都是日历时间。比如我们说:I like sp...

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at the end of term的term前为什么不用冠词

■at the end of term 这一短语中的 term 通常省略冠词。如:We have exams at the end of term. 学期末我们要进行考试。Are there any exams at the end of term? 学期结束时有期末考试吗?He would have been going to leave at the end of term. 他到学期末本会离开的。The students will be examined in all subjects at...

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