
性别: 注册于 2019-08-20

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take a bus 与 take the bus


回答于 2020-12-24 15:38

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no matter...从句的省略问题

刘老大意了,no matter是可以直接加名词使用的如出自CNN的We'll get her the very best treatment available, no matter the cost!Employers can maintain relationships with staff across all stages of work status, no matter the size of the population affected.

回答于 2020-12-24 10:48

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for recycling的修饰问题

A fee should be charged on used containers for recycling.1)for recycling修饰谓语,表示这件事的目的,则句子大意为:使用过的包装品应该被征收一笔费用,以进行旧物回收循环工作之用。这个时候,这句话是有问题的。这句话只告诉我们:收费是为了“循环工作”,“循环”什么我们不知道,为什么要对过用的包装收费我们也不...

回答于 2020-12-24 10:35

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A的逻辑是有问题的,used containers for recycling怎么会针对性收费?这是好事,理应是 A bonus should be given to used containers for recycling. 所以从逻辑判断A就是错的。

回答于 2020-12-23 22:29

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the 在专有名词前省略

参考US或USA单独指国家时,必须加上The而其充当名词修饰语时,又视情况了,如果被修饰的名词不需要the,那就没必要加the如The new round of U.S. sanctions against Russia marked another hostile act.

回答于 2020-12-23 16:29

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We can pick you up from the hotel you are staying.

如果这是口语的话,那么肯定是We can pick you up from the hotel you are staying in.口语staying in后面那个in受前面ing的干扰,是很难听出来的。你的例句中,the day可以省略when, the hotel不能省略where。随便哪本语法书都会讲这个的。

回答于 2020-12-23 15:52

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is/was supposed to have done

I'm supposed to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation.意思1: People suppose that I have handed in a first draft of my dissertation.意思2: I am obliged to have handed in a first draft of my dissertation. 在过去的一个时间点交稿是我理应要做的事。但你有没有交稿,光从一个句子是看不出来的。不...

回答于 2020-12-23 15:43

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回答于 2020-12-23 11:05

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“时间”问题只要逻辑上通就可以。-- 你的原文就算用中文说也是无比别扭。表达结果的动词不是随便用的,这里的get用错了,得病的是“人”,而你用get则代表”他不关系健康”这个事情生病了。事情是不会生病的。由于是长期行为的结果,为了行文的流畅,我们还要加上eventually.因此改为He never cared about his health, eventuall...

回答于 2020-12-22 23:48

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错在wear这个动作不会触发fall这个结果所以焦点只能是slippery,改为The shoes that he wore were so slippery as to make him lose balance and fall into the river.换一个动词,开枪fire能不能触发kill这个结果,可以He fired, killing all.我实在想不到什么能产生falling这个结果(注意是表达fall结果,不是动作,就如...

回答于 2020-12-22 22:53