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曹老师好,看看这些例子,和选项B有什么异同:  Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged < I meant to pay him last week but I couldn't come it >  < I meant to go … but time was short and I didn't fetch it — O.W.Holmes †19...

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as的词性判断(In parenting as in sports)

《剑桥高级学习词典》as词条,作conjunction时候,有这样一个例子:This year, as in previous years, tickets sold very quickly. 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典(简体) 第 8 版》as词条在Adverb 词性,第2释义有这样的例子:used to say that sth happens in the same way (指事情以同样的方式发生...

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我赞同曹老师的观点,下面几个例子供参考:【1】I was employed by a manufacturing company until 1999.    I was employed这个事情 发生在 1999年的某个时间。【2】Parents are responsible for their children’s actions until they are 18.     until说明必须过法定18岁那道线,父母才会免责...

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我也提供一种分析方法,供网友参考:In England, tea didn't appear until around 1660, but in less than 100 years, it had become the national drink. 相当于 In England, tea didn't appear until around 1660, but it had become the national drink by 1760.【解释】1. in less than 100 years 就是1660年到...

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would rather后面接从句要用虚拟语气吗

Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionarywould rather   — used to indicate what you want or prefer to do, have, etc.      I would rather you didn't tell them. [=I would prefer it if you didn't tell them]Macmillan English Dictionary 2nd Editionwould rath...

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any代替any transformation;也即any是any transformation的省略形式。再如:Today it is thought that Stradivari made violins that are better than any made ever since.(上海会考,96,阅读A) 今日人们认为,Stradivari制做的小提琴比迄今制做出来的任何小提琴都好。

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您好,网友。我也是英语学习者,试着回答您的问题。理解本句的关键是理清两个关系:1. explantions for the rise in unwed motherhood 2. explantions such as the lack of jobs for inner-city males or the spread of welfare benefits (简化such as A or B,由or连接)看明白上面的关系之后,1...

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as between的用法

老师们的回答都有道理。我也说说自己的看法:问题句中as between和下面的相似:affinity:relationship by marriage (as between a husband and his wife's blood relatives) — distinguished from consanguinity cohesion:the union of separate plant parts or organs — used chiefly of union betwe...

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TEM-8 题库有这个句子Written as the Japanese bureaucrat steamed to safety in New York aboard the ocean liner Carpathia,which rescured 706 survivors, the account and other document released by his grandson last week offered a remider of the tragety.将原句瘦身,得:Written as the Japanese bur...

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