
性别: 注册于 2019-07-04

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unplugged,在文中-ed分词型形容词,用法如: 【1】Life Unplugged 关机一小时 【2】Unplugged Social Hour 不插电社交 【3】 about the soul-defining quiet of introspection,of solitude and of being unplugged. 我谈的是灵魂定义的平静——内省的平静、独处的平静、远离社交媒体的平静。

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曹老师的解答简洁了。我补充一下,供网友参考:I myself first saw Samarkand from a rise across a wilderness of crumbling ruins and great graveyards which lie between it(=Samarkand) and the airport. Suddenly we caught a glimpse of painted towers and the great blue domes of mosques and tombs shoulderin...

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【1】请问句中的 'they came from' 是插入语吗?不是插入语,是省掉that/which的定语从句,they=the fossil teeth,先行词时the animal。 【2】 'an Iguanodon' 是 the animal 的宾补吗?是。call +宾语+宾补,V+ n+ n结构。 【3】作者为什么不直接写成he called the animal an Iguanodon they c...

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原文本如下:Then the Goth's people reared a mighty pile With shields and armour hung, as he had asked And in the midst the warriors laid their lord, Lamenting. Then the warriors on the mount Kindled a mighty bale fire; the smoke rose Black from the Swedish pine, the sound of flame Mingled with s...

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A is to B what C is to D(A与B的关系就像C与D的关系)分析

3)特别感谢深圳钟老师的提醒, 我引用时疏忽了:What C is to D, that A is to B 不是正确的句子,这点我和深圳钟老师看法一致,有不同意见的老师或网友,请分享几个英文原著中的句子。正确的写法应该是:What C is to D, that is A to B. (What从句前置,做that的同位语)凡哥英语老师好,我找几个例子,...

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为什么within a stone's throw of a railway station用of

葛传椝先生《英语惯用法词典》下面四句都作“他住得离邮局很近”解: He lives a stone's throw from the post-office. He lives within a stone's throw of the post-office. He lives not a stone's throw from the post-office. He li...

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a factor that most workers...在整句话中是什么成分

名词短语 a factor (that most workers have attributed to nutritional stresses of postweaning diets)作名词短语 a peak (in defects at 2 to 4 years of age, regardless of geographic or ecological setting)的同位语。括号中内容是后置修饰语,分别修饰名词短语中心词a factor和 a peak

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would like的应用

Macmillan English Dictionary 2nd Editionwould like phrase  used for saying politely what you or someone else wants      I would like a large whisky, please.      would like to do something: I think I’d like to leave now.      I’d like to thank e...

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网友好,这个问题网上有讨论。我粘贴一个回答过来供参考。更多见:https://ell.stackexchange.com/questions/20131/what-does-this-mean-going-to-be-something-doing-in-the-humidity-line-to-nigh?rq=1 下面内容,版权归StoneyB 先生。                     &nbs...

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when 从句是定语从句还是状语从句的判断(2019高考英语全国I卷短...


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