mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4031 次

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So said his aide, Li Chiang-lin是一种写作手法而已 主要目的,还是为了标红的部分靠近比较:his aide said so, Li Chiang-linhis aide, Li Chiang-lin, said so.但,So said his aide = his aide said so. 即两者本身都对

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mikee 网友提供的句子,不管是不是原文,明显第一句就高出考研文很多。I personally worked with one such company and its entrepreneur.这句叫想得明白,说得清楚。而改动的句子,比如任正非手下的一名普通工人,没怎么和任在一起,却要讲任正非的事,听众应该是怎样的人?--- 气场甚至语言的可信度一下就拉低了很多。&nb...

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It's high/about time I was...虚拟结构

这个结构,我的奉劝是,自己用只用 It's high/about time that sb + did/was看到印刷资料有这两个形式之外的结构形式,你也不要觉得奇怪但看到教你用这两个结构形式之外的结构的,你直接打叉就是了(这不是对错的问题,比如你到了伦敦,碰巧又碰到合适的人,你用were, 你就很牛了,那旮旯现在还真就是有些人...

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1. It being Sunday, we went to church.2. It hot, we went for swimming.-----------我给你2句都打叉(X)第1句,语法对,但语体不对 (小鸡的词汇,牛刀的结构)(你别舍不得,这是带你跑偏的句子。给你一个“貌似正确”的东西,却输灌给你几个错误的东西。简单地说,这样的句子,用词要大些,句子要长些,思想要稍复杂一...

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现在很多人出国留学,上学没多久,就被老师要求写4000字的论文,再往后,就是6000字的。这样下来,学生逼得必须用英语思维 --- 实际就是,当时是怎么想的,就怎么说、怎么写,说错写错也顾不得那么多了。但一两年下来,英语就突飞猛进了。你这个句子,把眼光看到了samples 与 it 的对应上,但为什么不把samples与water对应...

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need waking的翻译(《译文版牛津英汉双解词典》的翻译问题)

“鬼迷心窍”有点过,不算太准确,trance 指 “恍惚” 就行了。VERB[WITH OBJECT] literaryPut into a trance.‘she's been tranced and may need waking’ 我译:她已经懵逼了,要让她脑子醒醒More example sentences‘Her eyes gleamed when she spoke, almost trancing the other person.’‘She kept remembering the l...

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have time to do sth和have time doing sth的区别

I have 50 minutes to go. 还剩50分钟I have 20 minutes watching TV.I have 20 minutes doing the floor.I have 10 minutes practising spoken English.好像这些句子可以用吧?

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Trump was 41, the newly minted author of " The Art of the Deal" and hearing the first words of encouragement that he should run for president.老师好,比如说这句的author and hearing这是新闻体语言,不清楚这点,就会不知所云首先做个猜想Numbers 24:4: He saith, who heareth the words of God, Who...

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will 用法疑惑

我的看法:1. If you pour oil on water, it will float.2. Similarly, leaners' lifestyles will partly determine how they should study.--- 3. If oil is mixed with water, it floats.4. Similarly, leaners' lifestyles partly determines how they should study.  1、3 没有本质的区别...

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point to理解

to point to = to identify"which we (can) refer to" also works.

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