mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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关于of that后边句子的修饰成份

= Chiang's whole career had been a struggle against the intervention of that disturbing imperative which he called the mob in his well-ordered chain of events.

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Its relatively fewer chapters make clear the dependence of all animals, including humans, on the plant world.<---> Its relatively fewer chapters make [all animals, including humans]’dependence on the plant world clear. (如果英语可以这样写的话)

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你帮人家拍照,take a photo for sb.你拍人家的照,take a photo of sb.你和人家合框,take a photo with sb.We got back some photos we had taken of her.= 1. We got back some photos. + 2. we had taken photos of her.

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写得再多都不如直接给一段英文原文,原文是是什么?* A. ........................................................* B. The received (公认的、可接受的)maximum amount of the consideration that the entity could be required to repay (‘the guarantee amount’)   * C. .........................

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reach home的说法对吗

据说reach home印度人用得蛮多英美一般用get home.用reach home应该是指比较特别的情况下到家我公狗了一把(google),网上的确有不少的reach home但看到2个语言网站,都把人家的reach home 改成了get home.大致是属于看到不奇怪,但自己要慎用的表达.

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My 0.02 dollars:1. after 这里是“跟着”的意思,如 after you. / gaze after 也即“眼光跟着看”2. I gazed after his back retreating out of the carriage.本质上还是等于see sb doing的结构,即(gazed after)(his back) (retreating...)3. 一般see sb doing 里的doing, 分析为宾补的似乎占多数。

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University of North Carolina found that poor buyers putting less than 5% down can be better-than-average credit risks (1) 很想在buyers后加一撇,把结构做成buyers的行为如何如何,但这里不是那种结构,。实际是,这里划线的部分是V-ing结构做后置定语。那么问题就成了 buyers <===> 对标 risk...

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The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks and similar terms,本出版物中所使用的XXXX 及类似的款项。/ term = 条/款/项;even if they are not identified as such,既使不能确定是上述的各项的本身is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject t...

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I wish that he could settle down the problem.   √I wish that he was were able to settle down the problem. ×weredidwere going to docould dowould dohe will/can do----------------had donecould have done----------------would docould dothey were to dothey should do三栏分别是 :过去现...

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