mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4031 次

653 个回答

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Blamed 还是 To blame

(1)blame 是及物动词,~ sb (for sth)/~ sth on sb后面主句的主语是Alice,前面自然用V-ed, 因为是被指责in low spirits才是“情绪”的正确表达:in good /high spiritsspirit一般指精神,如 team spirit(以上仅就“精神”与“情绪”两个词义,不扯其它)(2)句子结构与第一题一样,答案自然与第一题一样而To blame 语义上是为了...

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1. 1760 年对于说话时,依然是/明显是 “过去”;2. 1660 - 1760,对于1760而言,自然是“过去的过去”而“tea didn't appear until around 1660”只是对“过去”的一种客观陈述。(现在 ---过去)

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数学上常用suppose X =3, Y= ... 肯定可以用assume,不太会用presume这一点可以先撇开,但也说明,在什么场合用什么词这个道理。----------------------------------------------------------------------------它们有很多交叉的地方,但也是有区别的:1. suppose 对所谓的“假定”,你心里基本认为是“假的”比如我suppose你是...

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有关比较级的练习题(a more...带是a most...)

most没有比较对象时=verymore暗含比较,估计出题者认为与后面语义构成比较这两个答案我都觉得别扭这个句子不行。Thank you for the most interesting evening I have ever spent.原题一坨垃圾而已。

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count sb/sth in(把…计算在内)是否应该在count前加be

断句故障First impressions count in a business relationship, too.Every minute counts.Every minute matters.以上都是“起作用、重要的意思”

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during rush hour的说法对吗(为什么不用复数或冠词)


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should have done可以表对将来的推测吗

简单点说:可以。Cambridge-English Advanced Grammar in Use  (Hewings)在15单元有说到, Notice that we can use other modal verbs instead of will to talk about the future in a less certain way:• By the time you get home I will/may/should have cleaned the house...往复杂点说,那真的有点复杂。包括上...

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这资料从哪儿搞的?上面印刷错误不少(没给你改)你先按我的提示再读一遍,快速一点读。 Para1The longitudinal(纵向的)study demonstrates that students who receive ESL (English as a second language) instruction are far better than those taught primarily in their native language.主题句。简单说,是ESL学...

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.... ready to follow the convolutions resulting from the momentary importance of any one of them as they are brought into play. ...从这有限的材料,这句话给我的感觉是,打比方说,当有比如ABCDEF...等诸多的人或因素时,你不能说哪个在那(比如,表演的)瞬间不重要, ABCDEF...都重要。把ABCDEF...等运作起...

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