mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4031 次

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It is ... to do / It is ... doing用v-ing形式的, 常见形容词(不是说下面的每个词都只能用v-ing)dangerous, difficult, foolish, fun, horid, worthwhile,no good, no use, senseless, tough work, nuisance,....It is dangerous playing with fire.Do you think it is dangerous playing with fire?Do you think p...

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past few years所连用的时态

------A-----------------B(现在)------------->in /for/over/during the past few years都是从A算到B(包括了B点),它与so far, since等,本质上都是“自...以来”故用现在完成时few 这个结构中不是表否定,而是肯定,注意不要加a 类似的结构有every few years, 每隔几年,这里也不加a

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(1)fall short of (sth)To fail to meet or reach something, usually a goal, standard, or requirement.The phone falls quite short of the company's usual quality, feeling a bit&nbs...

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What sunlight reached them was level.  what sun = what  (little) sunshine 少量的阳光what: 指数量不大的总量、微量What little free time he had was spent with the family.I'll give you what money I have.reach 到达:Not a sound reached our ears. 我们一点声音都听不见level:having a hori...

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are as namely 的用法疑问

= The durability of subgrade soils induced by climatic changes in seasonally frozen areas as, namely, freeze–thaw and wet–dry cycles are, have been recognized as a major factor in the poor engineering performance of such soils.## namely = that is to say

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taken away this week to much bleating.怎么理解

to much bleating 不知道是不是固定词组,但第一感觉就是想到 dance to music 类似的结构。to 是“顺着、在...之中”含义英国是福利社会,也是等级社会, 自然也有享受高福利或其它特权的人。...enjoy protected benefits, such as free access  to the BBC, taken away this week to much bleating.大概...

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1.可以说“the other two”和“(the) two others”;“(the) two other”也有人说,但不普通(参看2)。>>> the two other / two other 我感觉区别明显:我有两块华为pro30, 再来2块: 用the two other, 还是pro30;用 two other,正常应该是随便拿2两部手机。>>> 这两句,表达的数量没有什...

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那个帖子我看过既然可以说Thank you for helping me, 那理论上把 you 换成其它人称也应该可以但这里仍然有个语体问题。比如,I'd like to thank him for doing sth  (√ ) 很正常Thank him for telling me the news. (?) 是我命令你去感谢他么/是你发感叹么?然后是Teacher Liu这种称呼,这都是 Good morning,...

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一张烙饼,你随便扯下一块,它都是一个portion, 多扯一点,就是一个大的portion眼镜有镜片、眼镜架、固定螺丝等,每样都是一个 component,各自有一定的独立性portion:a part of a whole; section: A portion of the building was under

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Will you be wanting...(为什么要用将来进行时)

Advanced Grammar in use Martin HewingsFuture continuous (will be doing) P28讲到它"sound particular polite when you ask about people's plans"-----------------------Will you be wanting the same model?= Will you want the same model?后者一听就感觉疏远、一般。但前者如果在朋友间用,则疏...

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