mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4872 次

653 个回答

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Re: 感觉像是把because从句看作了destruction的定语从句这是一道雅思练习题里的句子The second ship wreak on the island in 1894, and the subsequent destruction of the ship (the Cambus Wallace) because it contained dynamite, caused a large crater in the sandhills on Stradbroke Island. =  The...

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情态动词would,除了表示纯粹的过去将来时用法之外,或多或少都可以往虚拟语气上套。尽管有的时候,可能不是太容易补上would所在的主句之外的、隐含的if条件句那一截。many people would argue that public facilities deserve more of public money对比 (我补上一个if): If people focused more on the r...

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go to college 去读大学(平常说的读书)go off to college 启程去读大学 (go off是词组)----------------new worlds will open up to you.  用 open to 表允许, --- 准入 new worlds will open up for you. 非地道表达,虽然意思也勉强能懂Let me open the door for you. 这个可以有。

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that 用法疑问

1. 分裂句(强调句) It was ... that2. there lived a maiden whom...词序被调整为,a maiden there lived whom应该是作者从韵律方面的考虑

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这个让人想到 Y2K 问题 the mid-1910s = around 1905;the mid-1900s = around 1950;the mid-2000s = around 2005 或 around 2050 或 around 2500 (以上数字后都是 +/- 的)表示2000- 2004之类,in the early years of the twenty-first centuryat the beginning of the twenty-first centuryaround the mid...

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句式分析 entitled the book the ring king(书名是做的宾语补足...

另外, 如果变成这样的句式 entitled the book as ring king? as ring king 做状语。是否正确呢?这个意思是,作为指环王给书取名类似的用法还有Call him Jack 叫这个him为JackCall him as Jack 作为Jack来叫him/给him打电话

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put up (a) struggle(是否加冠词)


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句式分析讨论:He acts like he is tired.请问本句是谓状结构么, like是介词还是连词?a. 谓状结构;  b. like这里= as if1. He acts like he is tired.2. He acts as he is tired.句子2 换成as, 人们通常都会理解为是because, 或while一个句子出现这么怪的东西,还有什么意义?直接就划掉了。— 美国人喜欢like就...

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Then I discoverd, what was a news to me, that his wife was Tom's niece. 1. 显然划线部分是被作者强行塞到 discovered that之间的,这样好读,句子平衡感好。2. 发现=/=消息,自然是全句的含义=消息。故还是对全句进行评注;3. a news 是个什么鬼?

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正常的逻辑是,可以不爱一个人,但不可以打人。当然,也有打不赢老婆,喜欢装大笔,却被老婆打趴的。You're not privileged to bully your wife(, even if she is not dear to you.)这样翻译,也许不是最好的,但已是一般人一生都达不到的高度了. Ahh. D : 

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