mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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看到一坨 X, 必须是disgusting;你看到你同学与人勾肩搭背,多半是gross, 因为这种行为不太可能激起你太多的反感。当然,如果他们行为太过分,又是disgusting了;两个词其实没有根本的区别,年轻人之间、非正式的场面,用gross要多些;较严谨的老年人、正式场合,可能disgusting多些。

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## 学过新概念的应该对这句话比较熟悉:A gentleman is rather than does.rather than = 而不是;它后面的接续,按情况有 do, to do, doing, did等,这个词组的使用,讨论起来估计没完没了,很复杂。总体它相当于一个对等连词:He walked rather than got stuck in traffic. He walked rather than get stuck in traff...

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1. 关于there is/there are 它们后面的接续,并非 那么泾渭分明,比如There's so many people --- 很多人都这么用 但注意是there's, 原因或许是There're --- 现在很多人不喜欢2. 作为学生英语,尤其是初一的英语A lot of ice cream, hamburgers and cola is not healthy.这句给初一...

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笔直向前走,该用straightly 还是 straight

直接地说(这里我根本不会用Straightly speaking,而是会用Frankly speaking)你就当straightly不存在好了。虽然这个词在大一点的词典里可能会收录。我们汉语词典上也会有些字,收录了又怎样?这种东西学了没用,而且有害,如果你写作上一用,老外就给你叉掉。表示方向的那种“不拐弯、笔直地”,用 straight.类似的结构倒是...

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without+名词+having doing结构分析

having been paid是分词----------这个涉及对独立结构较深层次的认知,这里就不展开了。

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The captain landed us safe.分析

这个safe 是adj. 做us的补语常见的类似词组是safe and soundThey brought the boy back safe and sound.

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establish there is all this astronomy是什么语法

我的直觉是We've established there is all this astronomy.= We've established all this astronomy that there is.给点上下文才能确定

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not because...(not在句中充当什么成份)

not because 不好理解,partly because 就好理解了其实not是个副词,它做because的修饰语。 表示程度的,基本都是状语not because ... but because一般这样连着用就行,抠细了很累好像还有一个这样转移not的句子:I don't love Jane because she is beautiful.当然这是题外话。

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Eskimos use at most 12 different words for snows,which is not many more than English speakers and should be expected.= Eskimos use at most 12 different words for snows, and the figure is not many more than (what= the words that) English speakers (use) // and (it) should be expected...1, not man...

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Not only...but also接分句(含有部分省略)的问题

第二句是剑桥网络版上的句子,自然不用麻烦自己第一句不是结构对称( parallel)上有什么问题, 而是语义逻辑上不太好。Not only does John like English but also likes Chinese.这个也有问题?(这里用不用not only... but also来写另论)网上有这么一句,倒真的是不对称:He's not only intelligent but also has...

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