mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4031 次

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​ 为什么you'll be as good as new是错的

Just a few more days in the sick bay, you'll be_____ good _____ new.1,这个句子挺有意思,是个特定句型,不用再加连接词,这没问题;2,the sick bay 医务室;3,与此题契合的词典释义:good as newCliché as good as when it was new; as well or a...

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有五个that的句子分析:I think that that that that that...

如果我是个结巴,大家说可以加进几个that?I think that1 the2 XX3 (that4 the5 student wrote on the blackboard) was wrong.哪来的that which? 这里真没有。-----------------关于题主一直在问的 that which,这个有。把that which看成一个较古旧、或很正式的结构就可以了它相当于what,语法上大概是那么回事。A very sma...

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that;time与定语从句 主语从句和状语从句的问题

--- That's the third time that I have been to America. 问题1,例句中定语从句的that  这个关系副词可以省略 对吧? 并且不能用when替代,对吧?(√, 但为什么要用两个that?)问题2,如果句子改成 It’s the third time that I have been to America.这个时候是不是只能理解成 主语从句了?// (×)不是定...

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关于of which的修饰问题和句子翻译

He began to grow fond of a city the inhabitants of which were polite, affable and beneficent. = He began to grow fond of a city, of which the inhabitants were polite, affable and beneficent.

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 It will make your finding a job easier If you have a doctor's degree it . 我能理解其中的your finding a job 是名词成分。的确是这样,如 his visiting the school,但真的像那个句子这样用,恐怕也不多。要么是属于不好好说话的,要么是故意要把句子搞得很正式的那种吧,(我刚才在美国驻捷克的...

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这个好像是要从习惯的因为要严格来说,怎么弄都是违反逻辑的。Bob and Mike have big noses. (√)用单数是两人共一个鼻子(当然你也可以反驳说,用复数是一个人不止一个鼻子)类似的还有open your books at page35  (√)

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The GOP nominee has gone from obscuring how little he pays in tax to arguing that it qualifies him to fix the system.= The GOP nominee has gone from obscuring how little he pays in tax to arguing that it qualifies him to fix the system.大意:这位共和党的提名人已经是不仅对自己纳税...

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get carried away是什么意思

No one could help getting carried away by the hysteria...couldn't help 可看做是 couldn't help (oneself from)词典中基本都翻译为“情不自禁”,不管怎么翻译,这个词组主要表示的是外界使得当事人怎样怎样,而不是当事人自己主动去作甚么No one could help 约等于Anyone couldn't helpget carrie...

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