mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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这是一类文体。其文有大量类似的结构:A proliferation of fine mentalistic distinctions with little functional basis can be a burden for both sides of the question of whether or not cognition is computation:Intentionality is sometimes defined as the property of mental states to be about things...[or] t...

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​in recent years和over recent years意思一样吗

不一样,或者说不太一样in recent years 近似于 in those years (从过去到现在,那过去的点,比较模糊);over recent years  应该不太用,一般over多与具体的数字连用,或较清晰的年份连用,如 over the past 3 years. over recent yearsin recent years可别以为这两个图的曲线是差不多的,只要看看Y轴的比例,就...

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did better than to do(为什么用to do)

But their parents never explained why he'd been attacked or by whom, or mentioned that the stranger sitting in the living room from then on was a bodyguard - and the children knew better than to ask. 老师好,请问句尾的than “to” ask怎样理解呢,than后面的动词形式通常不是应该前面的一致么。&nbs...

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A. mean to come 这里只是计划、想法,与planned to do没有本质的区别A的含义,可能只是一时想法,甚至可能还没有行动; 遇到某意外后,就放弃、终止\滞缓了那想法等C. had meant to come 也是计划,想法。但  是“原本如此的计划”,实际已落空C的含义,很可能已有某种行动,---- 但总归是没有做成。说话时,否定的意味...

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think outside the box用法的疑问

... By thinking outside the 15 and 30 second box, ...这是作者利用成语 think outside the box 玩的一个写作手法而已, box 是该成语的核心,意思是指“盒子、框框”;  加的15及30自然来修饰 它。此外,box还有电视机的联想意味。the 15 and 30 second 中间用的是and, second没有用-s, 与那 a 15-year-old b...

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句子解析(What does it matter that...)

What does it matter...通常matter都是不及物动词,在这个结构中,自然只有分析为及物动词才说得通VERB[WITH OBJECT]·  1 usually with negative or in questions  Be important or significant.‘It doesn't matter what the guests wear’‘What did it matter to them?’... what does it matter th...

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一个很长的独立主格结构,它带了一个定语从句unfortunately to their detriment.就近修饰,不可能包括主句

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advertising dollars,follow the eyeballs是什么意思

Everyone knows that consumers are migrating to a multi-screen world. As people spend more of their leisure time on digital devices, advertising dollars should follow the eyeballs.multi-screen 指多屏技术,借指电视(视频)技术已经很发达,自然也含有电视观众多样化等advertising dollars 可否翻译...

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This is the first time that从句时态

This is the first time that _______后面一般接现在完成时,以及把that拿掉换成v-ing,或适当的介词短语,都是不太容易犯错的结构,除非遇到了语境特别不合适的情况例外。至于它后面所接其它时态,我见过的,可以是1. 一般现在时,但有对有错;2. 现在进行时,但有对有错;3. 一般将来时,但有对有错;4. 一般过去时,但有...

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语法填空题有它自己的要求,这个要搞清。比如没有给词的情况下,是否可以填动词?1. and 说明有个对称性结构,这里显然是与an expensive business 相关的结构2. which前要有个先行词, 如填个is,边都没挨上。这里which从句也不可能是后置的那种定语从句。3. 填 something 或 one 指类似的“业务” 

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