mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4031 次

653 个回答

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How much of....(of如何理解)

How much of the book is about chemistry?接了可数单数,表示的是数量I'm not much of a smoker.接了可数单数,表示的是程度How much of the money is yours?接了不可数单数,表示的是数量How much of our days is now spent learning English!接了可数复数,表示的是每天里的数量How many of our days are now spent...

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7 赞同


RE: “有网友表示就等于although,你采纳了此答案,结果呢,”--- 提问者有选择的自由,这没有问题。答题者不能保证一定正确,选择答案者,更难选择正确的答案,这都是可以理解的。有些提问者,在多个正确答案加一个错误答案的情况下,偏偏选个错误答案,有点搞笑,但人家会选择,就可能不用提问了。原先网站是“最佳答案”,...

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我给你画一个图,你每次不清楚的时候,看看这个图,也许能发现点什么。[注意,BC有时可能实际 ≈ 0,这里是刻意放大了;AB 常看做一个“质点”]

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2 赞同

为何这里regard用法如何解释?为什么要这么用?We all tend to r...

英语写作中,为了某个词好修饰或句子平衡,会把它挪动位置regard A <that/when/where XXXXXXX> as B=regard as B  A <that/when/where XXXXXXX>we ourselves 是一种强调性的用法.

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There is no more than与make happen的含义

补充贴:1)there is no 比较的A than B,是个比较级表最高级的结构2)There be + 比较状语从句/ 是否可以改为 nothing is higher?大多数情况,它们意思是一样的,但有时前者可能会有2个意思,后者只有一个意思:a. There is nothing more complicated than that about Americans tipping in restaurants. b. Nothing...

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英语中有很多像energy的这类词,类似于“集合名词”,它可以“拆开”1. His energy (√);   2. His energies (√) 1是从总体上来说他的精力,2是说他精力“拆开”后的某几种精力.### 人有体能、脑能等,它们一起加起来,就是 his energy;### 这里在理解上,与可数名词并无太大的不同,但可数名词book, 却没有1的这...

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0 赞同句型分析(为何第二个as后出现了has been)

如果不想复杂,1. 这里=though2. 上下文提示那个campaign应该是一个完成了的事件

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that 和what

Step 1Write used to on the board and ask them to work with a partner to answer the questions: What was your life before you had a baby? What did you use to do that you now can't because of the baby? What didn't you use to do and now you have to because of your b...

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however是副词,不是连词,可能你以往没被提醒过要注意它前面常常用分号, 类似的有:He didn't go to school; instead, he stayed at home.要不就这样写:He didn't go to school. Instead, he stayed at home.等等至于It being Sunday, they went out. 是大家都熟悉的学习独立主格的老套例句了。

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Wherever in their incredible migrations destiny had moved these people, = in their incredible migrations,wherever destiny had moved these people,wherever是与however类似的词,即是连接副词, 引导让步状语

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