mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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almost 和 nearly 究竟有何区别?

有些词属于Negative Polarity Items, 而有些则属于 Positive Polarity Items 记住除了些固定词组,正常情况下,nearly是属于后者的(说穿了就是=正面语境差不多的含义),这个会有很大帮助。 (almost既属于NPIs,也属于PPIs)Almost no one came here. (√)Nearly no one came here. (×)====附====语言背后的逻辑是al...

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(1)what 只涉及自身的属性,人还是那个人;局部性概念who有可能"变成另外一个人" (是不是那人?); 整体性概念这是what he is / who he is 在特定语境下的、非常大的区别, 如:### In the mirror stands what/who she becameIn the mirror stands (the person) who she has become. = She has become s...

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毕竟我们也是有汉语语法基础的,不用事事都去仆从英语:简化一下:1. JS, who was rich, helped her.2. Because JS was rich, he helped her.句子1,JS帮她也许不是金钱上的; 也许是常常在金钱上资助;句子2很可能就是金钱上的,也很可能是这次或是常常帮助了她。但1&2的交集都是,JS帮了她。------------------------...

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华西考博2013 阅读第六篇

做阅读题时,不要忘记一个非常重要的东西:篇章结构它是文章的布局,每一个段落,自然是要围绕一个主题的所以,抓住主题,就可以避免在一些琐碎的细节上兜圈子Aldous Huxley was a most unfortunate man.When he died in 1963 he must have expired in the confident belief that the event would be given wide coverage i...

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= Always do to others as you would be done by (others).

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“独一无二,要加定冠词”这个提法,在冠词学习中非常有害,因为它会干扰人们对“类指”的认知。不过英美语法原著也是这样提的,非常奇怪。就我对英语的使用与观察看,“独一无二,不必加定冠词”才对,如H2OGoldSmithChina...以上都是独一无二的东西,都没必要加the, 因为加了就暗指还有一个类似的东西。the sun, the moon, the...

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some boys...,others可改为some boys...,other boys

这样说Some students..., others..., and still others....

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the item of mortality 的理解与翻译


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原来as根本没有作为代词引导定语从句这种功能哪个告诉你的?as pron. (used relatively) that;who;which (usually prec. by such or the same):I have the same trouble as you had.a fact that: She did her job well, as can be proved by the records.Dialect Terms[New England, Midland, and...

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我觉得,网友提问,说明一下提问所用句子的出处, 非常必要。整天在酱缸里泡,也得让人家知道是什么口味的酱缸吧? 呵呵,这真不是开玩笑。1. 倒装句如果后面还跟着定语从句,还能换成正常语序吗,这样先行词会被隔开了,语法错吗?Happy is he who has a sound mind and body.  -- He is happy who...这样的句子,文体很...

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