mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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A is to B what C is to D(A与B的关系就像C与D的关系)分析

1. A is to B as C is to D.这句语法简单明了,也是老外常用的“格式”2. A is to B what C is to D. 这句也对,但实际老外不太用,也许是what有些古旧我看过对它最简明的解释是 A is to B is what C is to D. 即省略了一个is, 没有这个is,句2实际是不对的,只不过2被用成了习惯而...

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这里的find= 发现(自我);感悟到我对照自己的理解,觉得爱语法的翻译比较靠谱。(除了最后一句的“它”的指代不是太明显之外)但我觉得该句的关键还是理解所谓的experience是某种纽带关系。(不是翻译,只是个人理解)

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grow up可以用作及物动词吗(2019年高考英语浙江卷阅读理解中的句...

The Piccolis grew up the children of Italian immigrants in Watertown. 没有去看那试卷原文,我这么读这个句子:= The Piccolis, the children of Italian immigrants,  grew up in Watertown. 比如起父母都是意大利移民,句子成立,但语义不是太好。因为这样听起来有些奇怪,给人感觉,...

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He's not answering my calls.为什么用现在进行时

He's not answering my calls.他目前一直都不接我电话;这下好了,他不会接我电话了。He hasn't been answering my call.他到目前都还没回我那电话反复给了他几次电话,他都是不接的。          <等等>这些都是眼见的含义,具体还会有其它意思-------------------------------...

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管理员说了,你的帖子不符合标准,也就是可能要发过一贴。建议:1,能否确认与叶圣陶先生的原文一致?2,能否做点简单的解释,也就是平时对这篇文章,大家/公认的理解是怎样的, 比如(a) “她”指谁(b)  "孩子" 有什么象征意义么?(c) “好些形像”--- 具体指那些人?  (d)  运货车的铁轮&n...

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(1)有个大家都非常熟悉的词:visit平常考题中,都是按及物动词套路来出题的但它确实是也可以是不及物动词的,如 I'm just here visiting.现在问题来了:This  is the factory ______ he visited last week.A. where;     B.  that这到底选哪个?所以语言还有个习惯问题,不能纯粹以做数学的...

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词典定义:the internet ⇒ (sometimes with a capital) the single worldwide computer network that interconnects other computer networks, on which end-user services, such as World Wide Web sites or data archives, are located, enabling data and other information to be exchangedAlso known as:&nb...

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They have made (so)great progress _________. B. for three years 这让我想起一句英语He has come here for three years.这句话初看是错的, 再看可以是对的:他来这里是为了过上三年同样,have made great progress for three years 这句话初看有点别扭再看这句也可以对,但要表达的意思的“每年”...

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Think of carnival, and you think of crowds, costumes, and confusion.and 后面为什么不用将来时?谢谢!1. 你想到张三,就会想到他帅气的脸2. 你想到张三,就想 想象一下他爷爷的爷爷的爷爷前者就不劳你用will了, 似乎也来不及用will, 用了也不错,后者你可以可劲地想,多will几下,不用will反而不算太好。这里的will 表...

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since attained作什么成份

这句的 since attained 有点难,我估计是这样的:The objective,(for which we have been working)since (it was) attained (preliminarily), was to create a set of contractual rules that would establish uniformity in that practice, so that practitioners would not have to cope with a plethora of often conf...

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