mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4031 次

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supplementing what?

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while, but 比较

Those whose mothers are still living often wear pink or red rose or carnation, while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one.请问“while”用but可以(√)吗?谢谢通常说,while表示对比转折,but表示否定性转折。但其实这是个语体问题:说与写的区别。说的时候,but自然;写的时候,while正式。在中国的考试卷上...

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with结构的理解with的理解就是,它是个“阑尾”,要可以, 不要也行。有时候,没有这个with, 会觉得句子不平衡,有时候,有这个with,会觉得多余,做作。这样说,就像我们写汉语作文时的心情:如何感觉是好?--- 那就看你个人的文采了。英文的文采除措辞、表达、篇章、哲理等等之外,还有一个结构问题,这也算。结构上是...

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完成时态用法(He have been there​如何理解)

1. He has been there. 2. He has been there for three years.两句都是“他在那里呆过”,他现在还在不在那里?不知道。句2加了个“for three years”, 仍然是他可能在那里,也可能不在那里如果确定他现在不在那里,而只是去过那里,直接说,He(went there and)stayed there (for three years).要表示他现在很可能在那...

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这一段整体是这样的He was a short, swarthy man who wore diamonds and his fat belly like proud ornaments. He had the disheveled air of a man who had dressed hastily. So Sophie had not found him in a nightclub. Ah, well, Rhys thought. A side effect of Sam Roffe's death. Coitus interruptus你把后面这...

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主句中be going to与will都可以吗

Re: 这两个句子都可以说吗?(√)临时起意用will, 事先有计划安排用be going to正式语言环境用will, 口语多用be going to等等---- 好像是有这么个规则,但实际很难遵守,说话者也不会这么计较If I have P.E. classes, I am going to wear sports shoes.如果人家告诉你,明天有(2节)体育课你回过神来,还有这回事?&nbsp...

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1、in Austria 和 in the U.S. 都是地名,前面的冠词如何使用国名前一般不加冠词,但美国、不列颠、菲律宾等有“很多块”构成的国家,一般加 the“统起来”,也因为了the后面的都是些普通名词;(美国是历史累积构成的)2、Home 前为什么不加the一般把它作为家庭成员看了,就像Dad这类词一样,当然加My也是可以的;3、refigerator...

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关于 where 的代词用法

这个来自The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language应该是非常权威了:Usage Note: When where is used to refer to a point of origin, the preposition from is required: Where did she come from? From where I sit, the situation looks bleak. When it is used t...

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what do we do with the data showing that others dive deeper than it's necessary to escape hunters' eyes...把上句稍稍改造一下,形成一个单独的题目:He dives to a depth D1; He dives to a depth D2 He dives to a depth deeper than _______. (a) it is necessary&nbs...

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这个外国网站碰巧有18-Feb-2017, 12:48 提问者lagoo (中国)"a remark gives" or "an Englishman gives"There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently giving what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.I'm trying to a...

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