mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4031 次

653 个回答

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你如果问问题,总是想以一当百,对你问题的回答也自然就免不了以偏概全比如具体点说1. I am happy to receive your letter.2. I am happy to have received your letter.句子1可不可以表示完成?它说的是以前、现在、将来,你说可不可以表示完成?但哪个会这样表述?我们通常的表述方式是:指平常、指一般的情况。句子2,针...

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On average, young people from poor families had test scores between three and four points;(the points are) below ____ is expected for their age group. A. which;B. what  (√)

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苦瓜到底是bitter gourd还是bitter melon


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It is in 1990 when...与it is 1990 when...的区别

你先得搞清楚这两个结构的不同点:1. It is 8 o'clock. 2. It is at 8 o'clock.8 o'clock 是名词结构,回答你时间,it =时间at 8 o'clock. 是副词性结构,给某动作提供时间环境,it=某动作、某事件:sth happens at 8 o'clockIt was in 1990 when she left. 适用上述的2,it指某动作,...

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before, ago时态问题

1, I didn't go there two years ago.2, I didn't go there two years before.句子1显然是对的,句子2也对,但这句用于回答人家提问才好,如果是你,比如与人第一次,说出的单独的句子,人家会等你继续往下说。看到上图没?你的句子缺了一部分,因而不完整。---------------------然后就是在过去完成时里,也未必就...

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-- he had finished his homework. # 号之前-- until he had finished his homework.  # 号处----------------------->|| --------go to bed --------->       ----------------FINISH # ----------------------------->He didn't go to bed until he had finished his homework.用...

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附加状语(涉及​宾语相关的状语) 关于宾语附加状语的问题请教

I respect him as a doctor.这句话要看你想表达什么1. as a doctor 正常情况是指him, 但也不排除指句首的“I”(实际上,如果是指“I”,as a doctor多半会搬到句首)2. as a doctor 如果被分析为状语,很可能就修饰动词respect去了,= I respect him,as a doctor. 那成了我是医生3. as a doctor 更像是him的补语----------...

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时态有语义一致,也有语法一致的情况。有时候遵循语法一致的情况,比较机械,还会引起歧义假设今天是4号He said there would be a meeting the next day. 会议一般是4号之前开了,也不排除是4号后(如4号早上说的); 故这个会是否已经开了,理论上很难确定。如果said的时间是1号,会议是2号。 如果said是时...

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in the early morning of May 10 为什么要用介词in不是on

CGEL英文版:P.688 Prepositions and prepositional phrasesOn Monday morning, on Saturday afternoon, on the following evening, etcillustrate an exceptional use of on with a complement referring to a PART of aday, rather than a WHOLE day. This use also extends to other cases where thetime segment is a p...

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