mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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Ronald Carter, Rebecca Hughes and Michael McCarthy在Exploring Grammar in Context (Unit12) 有讲到这个问题我不太清楚题目说的“疑问分句,不是名词性关系分句”是什么意思?难道名词性从句带点疑问含义,就不是名词性从句?----这点其实不重要,只要学语法不是只为学几个语法术语就行。重要的是,学了一个语言现象,可以...

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the first 后接不定式与现在分词作定语的差异

Armstrong was the first man _________ (walk) on the moon.1.  Armstrong was the first man to walk on the moon.2.  Armstrong was the first man to have walked on the moon.这两句的意思本质相同,但第2句的写作显得比较弱。两句的区别在哪里? 用完成...

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There's been a lot of work on these machines since then.And these problems have been solved by and large.That's not to say the technology is perfect, it would be nice for example, to have a system that didn't take 6 months to produce an image. I suppose that's better than the year it...

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同意说对的老师们。unless/until 这种东西, 前者注重条件,后者注重时间,很多时候,犹如说if/when那样,可以互通,尽管语义上稍有差别。I refuse to speak to her again ________ she says sorry.refuse to speak to her again实际是个...

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1. 英国叫 the UK 或 Britain(当然,因为大英帝国祖上曾经阔气过,这两个词的政治概念也未必相同)。现在的英国,实际是分为England, Wales, Northern Ireland, 和 Scotland;另外,Great Britain 加个great,实际变小了,它一般不包括北爱尔兰。2. 这4块地方,可以对比当做我们大中国的4个“省”来看。我们的“中华民族...

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what/how terrible problems的疑问

The bad news made me realize _______ terrible problems we would face.答案是what: what + (terrible problems) 可以理解。可以填写how吗?how terrible problems we would face(因为what+a+adj+单数名词=how+adj+a+单数名词, 是否可推断出;what+adj+复数名词=how+adj+复数名词呢?)我把你这些东西划掉,是因为这些都...

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= Carbon prices could (now) go up as dramatically as(the time)when the Arab embargo drove up the price of oil in 1973.Hemingway's way of life had now changed as dramatically as when he and Hadley had left Chicago for Paris.Tragedy was averted in England, too, though not quite as...

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不是很清楚你在想“归纳”什么?the rising sun (不及物的rise)a visiting engineer (及物的visit)

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好像这里有下面几个问题(1)as, so, too, how, however 在你所谈到的结构中它们是副词,自然修饰形容词,我不知道怎么被人说成了修饰名词(是这样么?)so beautiful a girl (√)so a beautiful girl. (X)such courage  (√)such a beauty. (√)这两例,上面第一例中beautiful 与girl被a隔开,so自然只修饰到beautiful为...

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所谓 Embedded Clauses (嵌入式从句) 并不是什么新鲜的玩意,这个名字也不见得高大上。大抵是不需要叫这个从句那个从句,而选择的一个笼统称呼而已。在人家那里,是小学3-5年级小朋友的东西。--- While the National Curriculum doesn't explicitly mention embedded clauses, in Year 3, pupils are expecte...

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