mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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its own philosophy是什么成分

take one's cue from = follow the example or advice of 学…的样;听从…的建议Julia took her cue from him. 朱莉娅也学他的样。Then it takes its cue in practice from that which is rejected instead of from the constructive development of its own philosophy.

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关于since的类似用法,国内尚未见到有任何一本书能说透的,没错误的就算不错了。别说我孤陋寡闻,因为我知道“天下文章一大抄”,抄不了的时候,只好人云亦云。我可以告诉你的是,这种结构的语义,主从句、上下语境是相互影响的,不是一些框框套套就能说死的。有点扯远了。------------------------就你这句话而言,“I was a...

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We were provided with more money than necessary. We were provided with more money than was necessary.两句话谁对?还是说都对? 我在《英语语法新思维》语法难点妙解里看到了这方面的讨论,书中把than看成代词,然后又查阅了–英语语法网-倪肖丁老师–浅谈as和than引导的分句定位及主语省略问题2018/2/1 我感觉...

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冠词用法问题:the function of university大学前面为什么不加冠...

你可以找本语法书,看看冠词的部分一般都会有列举  零冠词 + 可数名词的  的条目就你这里的university而言,可以说,通常像school, college, class, prison等之类,当它们表示“机构”含义时,可用零冠词表示泛指或抽象意义.College provides opportunities for students to learn and meet new people.Jack e...

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John is much taller than he was two years ago.这种句子,一般看成than 后有个what是比较简明的方法John is much taller than what he was two years ago.你如果把John与he看做不是同一个人,总有逻辑不通的时候。

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定语从句中 sth to which的结构

to which 是对日本(或那新的苛刻要求)投降of which 是日本(或那新的苛刻要求)的投降两者中的which,严格来讲是指括号里的内容里面有个结构是 A, B  and C最后的 in the form of 以下的短语,是修饰response的

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miss sb do怎么理解

下面是一个博客上的配文:I think the birds have eaten them, Grandpa.Yes, birds.(Why didn't Mr. Scarecrows) scare them away?           (Why did you miss the scarecrows)Because the birds that ate my lettuces are very stupid.

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借花献佛——为老师们提供shouldn't(表推测)和should have to权...

▲We needn't get ready yet; the guests shouldn't come for another hour (LDCE)虽然《朗曼》很流行,但是这句不是表推测,shouldn't 是与平常的认知做比较。前面的“needn't get ready”也排除了后句是表推测,否则逻辑上很矛盾再如:According to the weather report, it shouldn't rain ...

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原文其中一段:She smiled, more with her eyes than with her lips. She was pleased by the few words i was able to say in her language, although they were mostly numbers, and she saw that I understood something about the soft playfulness of bargaining. We shook our heads in disagreement over the price...

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Cholera is coming back,warns the WHO,a powerful medical and environmental organization under the UN dedicated to maintaining world healthy.前面本来是 the WHO () warns that Cholera is coming back但这样就要面临要在() 处,把换线的部分全都插进去的情况,太难看了。a powerful medical and enviro...

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