mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4033 次

653 个回答

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moan the banks 如何理解

moan the banks只要比较这个就可以了:he saidsaid he这是倒装句式吗?√

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in which,for which,on which,at which有什么区别

1.Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for.= Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked.这个属于介词后不要用that  这个问题。2.This is the hotel where ( =in which / at which) they were staying.这个问题,基本转到stay in/at a hotel的区别上去了。我只能说,这两...

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any 后的名词一定是单数还是复数也可以

我觉得这种东西,你可以自己找本好点的词典,自己好好钻研一下你看我做的总结(根据ALD 4版 ---我只有这个版本的电子版):这样,一个基础型的用法就出来了。(表小了,可以拷贝到word上看)当然,学英语光靠词典是不够的, 而且读词典本身也是个技术活。有些东西,要接触、要记忆,要掌握几个常见的句子,且搞懂它潜在的含...

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how it is being said and not what is being said并列句

Our voice says a lot since people interpret the message sometimes on how it is being said and not what is being said.因为人们解读讯息时,有时看的是它传递的方式而不是(看它)传递的内容的,所以我们的说话方式就很重要了。voice 指语音语调等方面的说话方式,或者直接翻译成“说话的声音”只有这样去理解,才是与...

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1. It's just that 是个固定表达,类似于 All I want to say is that 之类;2. you seem so young and already doing business overseas. 这种东西也要分析语法? 直接等于 (are) already doing 就可以了. 而这个划线部分,可能直接就连读在一起了。(至少我会这样听)

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be busy (in) doing sth 去掉sth也是可以吗

study 碰巧既是及物动词(study English). 又是不及物动词(study well)故你那句子是对的,但与你那句型没有关系的。

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the process in which应该看作什么状语

先行词与从句,实际是两个部分要把它们整在一块做什么语,的确比较难说。除非放在更大一级的语言环境中来考察???The process // in which a glass transforms to a crystalline solid.1. 我们一般把the process 看成是主句的一部分,看主句在整个段落环境怎么回事。2. in&...

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就我所知,英语一个语法现象,如果讲的很复杂,非妖即怪You are less foolish than I thought.= You are less foolish than the level that I thought/believed.等等

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对章振邦老师讲解的主动句和被动句的疑问 (贰)

你的疑问一。。。比如:People believed he had been ill.➡It was believed that he had been ill.➡He was believed to have been ill.答:这两句是等价的,对的-----------------------------------------------------### 这种句式变化,我觉得切入点应该是搞清楚下面几个“片段”的含义:1, that he did sth这个...

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They are a priori because it is inconceivable that we should ever have any future experience that will not also involve them.1. than是that的 印刷/转抄 小错误;2. 这句话是很“哲学”的一个句子,人是思想从哪里来?从实践中来。但即便是从实践中来,人的头脑中是否需要一些“垫底的”先验性的东西?3. 这句话的 they...

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