mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4033 次

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Tom is 150% heavier than Jack. Tom is 150% as heavy as Jack. 挺搞的,这两个句子意义上有什么差异呢? 如果Jack是100斤,那它究竟是想表达Tom是150斤?还是250斤?这个问题是我到这里以来遇到的最有意思的一个问题。150% = 1.5 timesTom is 150% as heavy as Jack. Jack = 100, Tom=1.5 X 100 =150 斤Tom...

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play...on/at/in the piano中的介词用法

on 因为你的手是在琴键上;你当然不会理解为是人站到钢琴上in  如果是个小人国的人,像如蚂蚁那么大,的确是可以到钢琴里的,但逻辑是,与上面站到钢琴上的思维一样,那你的乐器又是什么呢?at 是 在...之边,在...附近 的含义,比如学生上课坐在桌子边的这个边,就是at: sit at his/her desk如果是用钢琴作为乐器,两...

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句意理解(I did not do it because...)

完全同意上面老师的解答,我凑个热闹。这样的句子,最有名的恐怕就是这句了:I don't love her because she is beautiful.它一般可分析出3个意思:(1) 我爱她,她事实上漂亮,但我不是因为这个“漂亮”而爱她.  I love her, not because she is beautiful. (否定从句)(2) 我爱她,她事实上不漂亮,我也不是因为...

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from management knowhow to creativity是什么意思

knowhow n. 专门、特定的 知识或技能;  not necessarily 不一定估计你不理解的应该是在这里:that (= skills) complement computers 指计算机不是万能的,对计算机的技能补充还是要的另外,from ... to... 短语 按就近的原则,可看成是complement的状语,表范围。如把它看做是skills的定语,那拿掉that从句再看,...

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Despite the restrictions on freedom during the first years of world war ll, the pockets of youthful defiance that Savage describes in Germany and occupied France showed a daring contempt for fascist authority, expressing it to the beat of American pop culture.      问题...

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1. If she studies hard, she will pass the exam.2. If she studies hard, she may pass the exam.3. If she studies hard, she could pass the exam.这些都对,不太会有人说3是虚拟语气把,大部分人会说是推测。(但实际还是某种虚拟)但如果没有1-2,而是直接冒出句子3,会很让人费一番脑筋。4. If she studie...

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You must have waited for me for a long time, haven't you?He must have gone swimming yesterday, did' he?must + have done 反意疑问句He must have been very depressed when he heard the news,  ____ ?A. haven't he    B. didn't he    C. wasn't he&nbsp...

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虚心向大家请教几个问题,恳请各位老师不吝赐教:1. The film Life of Pi directed by Li An has attracted the audience for its amazingvisual effects. directed在这里作定语,修饰the film   (√)2. Directed by Li An, the film Life of Pi has attracted the audience for its a...

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英语修饰关系常见的方法有1. 位置;2. 标点;3. 连接词/介词4. 语言逻辑等I killed Jack in the river. 因为语言逻辑,in the river 不可能是Jack的定语。因为kill的意思是“杀死”,而不是剁几刀的问题。有那么多Jack么?那得加冠词,说清楚。this Jack, that Jack, the big Jack, the small Jack等。但是,in the rive...

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###  段落有关键词句,也有支撑句子、反观点的句子等,我把它称为“句规划”。把这些东西搞懂,便于观察句子走向,或者语流方向,这个是很重要的,也是比较高级的地方。不然反顺向都搞不清,那阅读只能扣小心眼了。Nevertheless, ---- 这里出现一个转折,(联系下句still+curse)可以猜想,该公司获得了一个什么好处但尽管...

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