mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4033 次

653 个回答

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这个是个很有意思的问题A.  Haven't seen you for years! Where have you been?B.  I went to Xinjiang and stayed there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.作为A首先,A换线部分为什么不说Where were you?这个听起来似乎是问话者好奇心重,纯粹而单纯是在打听人家的事了。其次,A划线部分为什么用现在...

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the happiness we seek we seek for ourselves请问这句话成分

Because the happiness we seek we seek for ourselves, our happiness is bound up with our identity.  1,红色的是because从句动词;2.  because we seek for ourselves the happiness we seek

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这么好的词,居然被疑似错误?单词的词义,除了词典上能查到的,还有词典上查不到的。但我的意思不是说僻义或新义,而是指因修辞手段而“衍生”的词义。一个类似的例子:On a height about a mile from the village the young fellows set up a tall cross enveloped in straw, so that it looked like a man with his arms s...

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(没看原贴,仅说说你这贴)1. I saw a boy yesterday that had an ipad . 这句很不好,一是没必要把yesterday插在中间,二是明明确确指人时,不要用that2. I saw a boy had an ipad yesterday.这句话不对,不是所有的及物动词都会有被动语态I have a pen, (√)A pen is had by me. (X)其它的见 zbr1060

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短语动词问题, 老师好,我想问下,动词+副词小品词是不是一定是...

以一道题来回复你:To be honest, I, either, could not understand the reason why I always keep this umbrella. Suddenly, a strong wind blew ____ (1) with fallen leaves, which blocked my eyes. I ___ (2) the umbrella instinctively. Then the rain poured down. Thanks to my big umbrella, I didn’t get wet at...

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as we speak = at this very moment. Oh, we won't be late after all — Patrick is pulling into the driveway as we speak.Today, as we speak, millions of children around t...

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1-2 你的理解都对。-------------------------------------------“这里第一次用a表示说话者已知”把这句需稍稍改进一点。有时 , a man 不一定说,说话者就已知。“从前有座山、山里有座庙, 庙里...”   <---- 我跟你说这话时,那个mountain, 那个temple, 其实我也不知道,但都加 a: There was once a mountain a...

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My train leaves in 11:00 am tomorrow.为何这里用一般现在时

你这是个经常问到的问题除了曾老师讲的外,我补充一点:指定(如离开)时间问题1A. The train leaves at 7:30.  2A. The train will leave at 7:30.  3A. The train is leaving at 7:30. 1B. He will leave at 7:30.     2B. He is leaving at 7:30.    ...

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对went home的理解

go home = return home所以go home 到底是 1. 朝家的方向走,还是 2. 回到了家?----> 这两个意思都存在但在上下文中,意思自然清楚。比如:He will go home. ---- 怎么能说He 到了家?他会朝他家的方向走。<----- 这是这个句子的内在含义。类似的词还有ashore, upstairs等I went home and mapped out my strategy.这...

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