mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4033 次

653 个回答

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The stage, he says, creates the impression of a 'boundless space beyond' and although its effect may be subliminal 'it is the apprehension of space that may be the most profound and powerful experience of live theatre'.欣赏一下吧:这个时间元,他传递出的语意交互镜像是,创造了一个“超阈...

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1. Tom is a boy, who broke the window.这样就可以了。2. He was a man who traded on the achievements of others.句子1、2 略有不同。句子1是指独立的一件事;句子2的含义,是说这个He老是那样,属于那类人的一个。

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这种题,只要搞出正确答案就可以了。6.What is the professor's opinion about the future of the Gonur-depe site? A. She believes it would be a mistake to alter its original form.B. She doubts the ruins will deteriorate further.C. She thinks other sites are more deserving of resea...

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He will...与He shall...的区别

shall是个即将推出历史舞台的词现在即使要用,也要用在很正式的场合。Shall we....? 这个表达还有人用,但也是昨日黄花了。你这个题,shall/will都不对。告诉你老师,如果一定要用情态动词,就改作may吧.

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as = so... were not so liked (as sb <was liked>) by their first-grade peers 

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You are suitable to be a teacher对吗

You are suitable to be a teacher. (√)类似的例子:Section C - You have to give the sheriff enough information on this section of the form to allow the court to decide if you are suitable to be a lay representative. (.uk的网站)The report contains a lot of information about why your so...

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win first place与win the first place

win first place √win the first place ×如果是具体某次比赛的一等奖、二等奖,..., 不用冠词;这是基本常识,加了冠词是错误,不用分析。假如你把place换成prize,  除了上面的含义(不用冠词), 还可能会有下面的情况:比如说你曾得过几次奖,你现在在谈其中某次奖(这时未必管它是第几名),自然用相应的序数词。...

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permanent 和 disappear 的矛盾问题

permanent 的确有“无限期的”意思,但那得是在没有外力干扰的情况下。很多有 a permanent job 的人, 也会被下岗、被解雇。差不多的意思。

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wouuld(should) like到底是跟to do形式还是跟doing形式

用常见的sing, swim, watch, work等搜索,有些找不到-ing, 有些能找到几个would like to do 其实就等于want;would like doing 有时难免会有enjoy的意思,但到目前为止,文字里这个表达出现在文字里的,还是非常罕见。

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as... and although...是并列句吗

对于长句子的分析的终极手段:若联结词个数=n则动词个数=n+1反之亦然。1. As we have already noted, 2. with agriculture and sedentism came diets too closely centered on a single crop, such as wheat in the Old World and maize in the New, 3. and 4. although sedentism encouraged population gr...

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