mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4033 次

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1、especially one in which a hole is made in the skin using a weapon= especially one,  a hole is made in which in the skin using a weapon2、especially a cut or a hole in your flesh, which is caused by a gun, knife, or other weapon.【which指什么,( a cut or a hole in your flesh)还是(a cu...

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你要表达什么意思?自己组词,然后放google上去搜索,这是很笨但却是很实用的方法当然,更好的,就是找个老外,或者上ESL网站问老外。----------------------------------------------Certificated vs Certified

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This is my first time后接staking是动名词还是现在分词

(1) 关于v-ing总体,到底是“动名词”还是“现在分词”,你没必要去分清,统称为V-ing分词这样不是很简单么?张振邦教授《新编英语语法》,如果我没记错,这是个1982出版的书,它就是这么干的,你不可以么?呵呵其实,一定要分开,个别的场合还是有点价值的,如 a sleeping car, a sleeping boy. 可以转换成"is doing...

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1. 有and必有对称之处,这里出现一个and, 你耐心地做个“拼图游戏”即可A did XX, and (A did) YY.  + 其它。多半是这种东西。2. 然后是动词是及物不及物,看它的宾语情况,也是判断是谓语动词还是非谓的“底层技术”3. 再次就是连接词与谓语动词的个数之间的关系。

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bring together 同 come together 用法有何不同

bring (someone or something) together1. To unite people for a certain occasion.Thank you for bringing us together, sis—we really need to try to spend more time together as a f...

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Have all you want for a dollar.怎么理解

And I got so fed up with it I began saying, " Why not let these guys have all the crack they want until they die?" Now I'd say, "Have all you want for a dollar."我对这种事受够了,便开始说,“为什么不让这些家伙得到他们想要的所有的毒品,直到他们(嗑)死呢?”现在我会说,“把你们想要...

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为什么不可以说I don't hope so.

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RE: 这里从句用一般现在时,主句也可以用一般现在吗?这是英语里一个基本的语法现象,注意一下人家的术语。Zero Conditionalfor certaintyIf you heat ice, it melts.We use the so-called zero conditional when the result of the condition is always true, like a scientific fact.Take some ice. Put it...

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现代英语语法,门派众多,可不是看了一两本语法书就知道了现代英语语法的,你具体说的哪派?先看看这两个链接: 看懂了,英语水平的确不会差的以及

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随意谈点翻译上的事有些翻译是给中国人看的,Good good study, day day up. 朗朗上口,但也是个呵呵。还有句搞笑的,If you don't leave me, I will die with you. (如果我没记错,大概就是这么个货),网络上故意搞笑的翻译,居然给它分成什么高中级、大学级、文豪级,好像是这样。但这句话根本的意思,只能是“学渣”级...

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