mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4033 次

653 个回答

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​the English 和The British 后面的谓语动词是单数还是复数

The English are different. The English are even more different than they think they are, though not more different than they feel they are. The British people, or Britons, are the citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Brita...

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Some others suppose they are more likely to be better paid than otherwise if they get more certificates.=Some others suppose they are more likely to be better paid than otherwise, if they get more certificates.= Some others suppose,if they get more certificates,they are more likely to be better pa...

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He hoped to go abroad after his graduation.1. hoped 那时(那时的“现在”),2. go是将来, 3. after his graduation自然是将来3修饰2,1管2&3I forgot to reminder him in the morning.1. forgot 是那时(那时的“现在”), 2. reminder是将来,3. in the morning3修饰2,1管2&3. 如果把in the morning摆句...

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关于nothing more than

nothing more ... than 这里应该是字面上的意思比如A向B借钱,A只考虑10万以下的数额你可以说,He is considering nothing more than 100, 000 yuan.这个10万,就是“封顶”。同样地,There is nothing more complicated than XXX这句里面的XXX也是“封顶”。不管XXX是否为最复杂的事,但这句意下的话是,再复杂也超不过XX...

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语法上选where也不是不行,但与选which的含义是不同的用which, 你看的对象是长城用where, 你看的对象不一定的长城,你很可能在长城那附近看别的东西然而后者是捞出来的含义,没有什么实际价值。你翻译一下就知道了。也许在适当的语境下,你只能选where而不能选which,但不是这句。所以语境很重要。语言只存在于语境中。

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What part of you are exposed do you not understand

这个是很有意思的话题1. 可以先百度,听听这首歌《What Part of No》Sir if you don't mind I'd rather be aloneFrom the moment I walked in tonightYou've been coming onIf I've told you once I've told you twiceI'm just here to unwindI'm not interested in romance orWhat you have i...

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what who 区别

好像我以前回答过这类似的题what we are 对we are 而言,范围要小些,比如职业、成就等who we are 对we are而言,是种综合的东西,范围要大些,主要是一个人道德修行、个性、思想等。当然也可包括职业、成就这样的东西在内。对导师说,You have made who we are. 正常。对一个双杠教练说,You have made who we are. 有点怪...

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My sister has a few friends back in our hometown.back  这样解释:adv. used for talking about a place where you live or work or used to live or work when you are in a different place 《麦克米兰》I have no i...

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B.when    C.since 以下只说这两者表“既然”这种意味下的情况:1. 两者在这种语境都是considering that的含义2. 但when 更接近 if,  有“如果/如果说”的意思。使用时,应尽量往这方面靠;3. since有较强的“因为”的含义,使用时,应尽量避免与“因为”挨边。很多的时候,对“如果/因为”要加以考虑的区别是,...

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