mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4033 次

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既然是口语,何必去纠结语法Sony this,  Toshiba that这玩意是Sony的(产品),那玩意是Toshiba的(产品)= This is a Sony; That is a Toshiba)类似的this, that 用法:The plane shook this way and that All them chinks = All these/those chinks (中国佬)(如果them也指物品,那可能就是 All of them ar...

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Goverment of many countries作主语谓语动词为什么用单数

Government of many countries 人再多,每人只有一个头;国家再多,一个国家也只有一个政府。 再说这里中心词government本身也是单数,故后面的谓语不可能用复数。

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as being separate from adulthood 语法分析

In previous times, people didn't have a solid idea of childhood as being separate from adulthood. 需要上下文、出处

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She had been was very angry at ___  person who stole her new bike。A.  aB.  an C. theD.  /----- 先把BD排除----- 如选A,唯一可能是这是团伙作案,而she 只对其中的某一个人感到愤怒。 冠词的含义勉强应该是这样,但思维逻辑...

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But that is not all there is to it. 怎么理解

这句话里, 1. the ignorant 无知者与 the learned 博学者对应2. to it 里的it理解为education可能比较简明。But that is not all there is to it. 字面的含义:但那并不是  对于教育而言的  现有理念的全部。there is 是定从,there be句型前的that常省略;to it 是关系状语或方向状语 (我不知道有没...

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关于respectively 与 separately的区分

专业的东西,你也许要请教你们公司的老司机才好1. 成形:form/mold/cast (这里用哪个字也是有讲究).... + a. separately  (√)b. respectively 2. 并固定:fix... a. separately b. respectively  (√)以上1&2,a/b选另外一个字,都不见得不可以,主要还是得看你那机器的具体工艺制...

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call it anything less 如何理解

you are incapable of calling it anything less.= you wouldn't expect to call it anything else instead of "a restaurant"; it lives up to the standard of "a restaurant" in your opinion; it deserves the name of "a restaurant"; you would call it "a re...

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介词短语作什么成分(Would you like it in a bag?)

Would you like it in a bag?  肯定不会理解为,你在某个袋子里,会喜欢it么?我这样说,是排除它是状语的“一个可能性”。Would you like it hot/spicy/here?  等等,都(可以)是补语(但这个here应该会有多种含义)

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They have made it clear they will not reverse the decision to increase prices.建议先把句子意思搞清楚,然后看看语法书,看人家把这划线部分是叫什么名字(即XX语),然后自己也跟着叫就行了,这样也不会影响自己研究语法。如果觉得含混,就写过一种能清晰表达自己含义的结构。

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“isn't he? / (包括is he?) 明显是受到否定转移了后才用否定形式的”这是一种非常莫名其妙的说法。作为“反义疑问句”,当然都是错误的。She doesn't think he is right , __does she?____要想其它的形式很容易,right 后面用句号,接下来大写。做成不是反义疑问句的形式(2句)。

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