mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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who has prepared (X)不可能变为 is preparing即没有A的意思;可能是你看错了答案。

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长难句理解 so much ... that

这句子有点难,应该有CET6级以上的级别我的读感是,... so much one of appearing scientific investigation with commonsense empiricism that it is...= so much one of those that appear to be scientific investigation with commonsense empiricism that it is...... 居然是那些看上去/结果是&nbsp...

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shall/will 用法很多,比如光will, 用法估计有差不多20种举几个常见的用法:shall 1. 表纯将来 = will, 有英美差别, 有年代差别2. 表决心、承诺  =resolution/promise3. 用于第二三人称,可简单地理解为a. (我)会让.... ; b. 法规等要求...Oh, I will drown and nobody shall save me!语法学家听到这句话,虽然惊...

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sb do sthsth is done by sbto base  in his arguments on (sufficient grounds)a decision (that is) based on hearsay and guesswork

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这是中学里传说中的所谓“有do无to”问题cleft-sentences 指英语中的分裂句(我们常说的强调句)除了but后的情况,“有do无to”主要是all-cleft与what-cleft中(这两种假拟分裂句pseudo-cleft sentences) 我想题主的意思,是为什么这种do后可以不要to,先从简单的说起He wanted to do A and to d...

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拿中国与美国来对比大致是,省对应 state地级市对应county凡是城市,美国都叫city再往下就是town 然后就是village至于borough,这个主要相当于市里的区或差不多的片区,如上海市下面有徐汇区,静安区,还有学外语的应该知道的上海有个虹口区等等。这些区,好像我们一概翻译为district.毕竟人家的行政机构不是按我们的...

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each increasing the yield 10-30%中each词性判断

each increasing the yield 10-30%.没有谁会把 each 当成1千公里之外的crops,each是不定代词,指 each time (这里each又变成了adj.)

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He, too, had been bitten by the moral tarantula, Rousseau; he, too, felt weighing on his soul that moral fanaticism of which another disciple of Rousseau's, Robespierre, felt and proclaimed himself to be the executor.先行词moral fanaticism 放到定语从句后,是felt of moral fanaticism吗feel of 可以...

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这题答案明显是 B. as it were.         as it were   (used to comment on the speaker's own choice of words, which may give only an approximate meaning 用以评断自己用词是否恰当, 指词义接近而已): She seemed very relaxed in her natural setting as it were....

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作为单独的句子,YES,应该用grew, 你完全可以把它改过来。但根据上下文,作者的手“突然抽风”,就要变化成现在时,也是可能的。如:Fortunately he made it to the pub before the storm broke. The moment he crossed the doorstep an old school friend comes up to Andrew, offers to buy him a drink and tells hi...

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