mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4033 次

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An education that aims at getting a student a certain kind of job is a techical education, (which is) justified /// for reasons (that are )radically different from  (the reasons)why education is universally required by law.大意:旨在让学生能获得一份工作的教育是技术教育,这点因为了一些理由而...

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理论上,分词也是不定式,它们随“主句”的时间变化而变化。但是,它们也的确存在所谓的时间连贯性 ( continuous)问题。先来个容易理解的:1. There was an accident that happened yesterday.2. There was an accident happening yesterday.句子1很正常,句子2够呛。因为这里出现了所谓的“continuous”问题对类似的问题,Hewi...

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lead to用cause还是bring来解释

我觉得你那句子本身就不对阳光并(不会lead to, 但可以cause)雀斑,暴露在阳光下(比如时间过长)这种行为 才可能会长雀斑He led to his family's misery.  (错)bring 有“导致”的意思,但有“伴随而来”的意味,说穿了是“带来”,用于一个“延续性时间”的事件居多Spring brings warm weather and flow...

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你朋友小Q昨天买了10件东西,你现在把它们记下来。2020年1月3号(现在是4号):1:00  Q buys A;2:00  Q buys B;3:00  Q buys C;...平时多用用英语,你就会发现历史现在时是个“出镜”频率很高的时态你甚至可以这样写:Q buys ABC on January 3, 2020.(前提是你不要这样教初二以下的学生)

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a factor that most workers...在整句话中是什么成分

By and large, however, most reports on age patterning in hypoplasia occurrence indicate a peak in defects at 2 to 4 years of age, regardless of geographic or ecological setting, a factor that most workers have attributed to nutritional stresses of postweaning diets.1.  setting=设置的场景,背景....

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这个短文我碰到的问题有点多,各位老师不要介意:1. A great example of this这里this为什么不是these?>>> this指前句引号内那种事情2. Method与the eco-friendly cleaning products company是同位语关系吗?A great example of this is Method, the eco-friendly cleaning products company.如何理解这句话的意思...

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据我所知,早期应该是这样Be the news true, ... 后来是If the news be true, ...类似的还有whether it be ...以上后2句把be改为 is, 意思没有区别但第1句的be, 不能改为 Is, 可以改为Were 但不是说有这种东西,汝亦可用之也。D:

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前段时候问答一个人的贴子,我说了这句话:就我所知,英语一个语法现象,如果讲的很复杂,非妖即怪You are less foolish than I thought.= You are less foolish than the level that I thought/believed.等等(可惜这人理解不了)----------------------------------------------------------------这个网站,一个简单...

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一 You look tired. What's the matter?B. am sleeping = 1. 我正躺着要睡;2. 这么些天来,我都这样睡a. D. have slept= 1. 我睡着了("我"听不到你说话 );但也可能是 2. 我刚睡完b. Have you slept?你已经入睡了么?c. Did you sleep? (之前,如昨晚) 你睡着了么?d. He has slept for two ho...

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Carter correctly concluded he had as good a chance as any卡特正确地得出结论,他的机会哪个与哪个都是半斤八两and as his introduction implied, he certaintly had the confidence正如他的序言所暗示的,他确定有这种自信necessary to undertake the ego-mangling of a presidential campaign.这种自信对经受那种...

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