mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4033 次

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It has prejudiced most people, almost correctly, to dismiss his poetry as simply the work of a man who achieved fame elsewhere.这里有两个逻辑处, 1. almost correctly, --- 评注prejudiced 还是to dismiss?偏见或误以为,有对错的层次、深浅之分,dismiss ... 不考虑; 摒弃 <--- 则很难有深浅因而...

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感觉不出A/B两者有什么根本的区别,都对。如果说5G的应用现在已经蛮多,或至少开始应用了,那B从感觉上来说,可能好点。但也仅是感觉上的; A 语意上稍有点预测的味道,同样地,这句也不能说只有A才对。我喜欢B这个选项。

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If you wonder how these thriving business tycoons reach the ladder of success, it is because they excel at creating and developing relationships apart from their hard work and intelligence. If在这里引导的什么从句,如果是条件从句,表达的意思有点怪。= If you wonder how these thriving business tycoons...

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would 和could 用法

>>> 就你这题而言而不扯远, # will的语义,你从美国人把shall基本都变为了will就多少可以看出些名堂,在情态含义上,它是个接近must意味的词;# 如果题目这个语境“He”说 "will", 他就在下意识地肯定而确定地认为you会加入。但He有意,you不见得有意,说不定you会有更好的去处。# 所以这...

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be game for a laugh是什么意思

一天到晚A修饰B,B修饰C,C修饰D偶尔也忍不住手痒,写下几句英文,呵呵Ngram Viewer can always tell us something. Ngram shows the phrase, game for a laugh, came into use as early as in the 1960s, but it was not widely used until about 1985, when, as we know, a British light entertainment program of the s...

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我一眼想到的,也是 the Rubicon, Caesar这个段子, 先赞黄老师!我的只是意译,不是对联,用初中单词试一下,呵呵:With the-die-is-cast will, the Chu kingdom was able to get 102 Qin passes. The King of Yue, self-discipline enabled him to take the Wu state with only 3000 warriors!

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为什么呢?难道真是过了初一,过不了十五?呵呵美国传统词典[双解]  继承用法:fifteenth“  adj.(形容词)adv.(副词)

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There were many people waiting at the bus stop, ___and/where____ some of them looked very anxious and disappointed.说句老实话,我真不记得这里有什么一定要区分它们的规则。但我还是会选and, 理由就是  语流要一致(人<---->人 : many people were there, and some of them...),或换句话说,这里应该...

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能查到其原文是,But now they miss the crux of the story. For what struck the young Newton at the sight was not the thought that the apple must be drawn to the earth by gravity; that conception was older than Newton. What struck him was the conjecture that the same force of gravity, which reaches to...

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1. A chicken Tom bought is missing.这里的"a" 的确是一只,而不是这只这样,这句话注定不止一只鸡,这不是英语语法,是思维逻辑。2. The chicken Tom bought is missing.(前提是不知道这个chicken)不是你随意做注解就可以的。这只,你说知不知道?不知道是“某只”,不是“这只” 3. I like a film that I s...

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