mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4032 次

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is estimated to have had 1. Mr. Zhang is estimated to have had the incredible intelligence quotient of 200.a. 是 “估计张有...,但(比如后来证实张)(实际没有)”b. 是 “估计张...已经达到了...200”(因为张满胜的 IQ到底是多少,没几个人知道,所以a/b都有可能)2. Albert Einstein,...

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thus contributing to the diagnosis and treatment of medical staff感觉是去诊断与治疗医务人员?如:an initial diagnosis of asthma / the diagnosis of pneumonia treatment for an injured shoulder /The medical treatment for all patientsKnowledge, Attitudes, and Reported Practices of Med...

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deleted the post 删帖,suspended 这里的主语是NBA官方的/正式的 中国合作伙伴the league 就指NBAit指the league;grapple with = try hard to overcome; deal with // control fallout = any adverse and unwanted secondary effect; to quarrel or disagree后两个词...

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(1)the traffic light  --- 是总的信号灯,通常里面有 a red light, an amber light 和 a green lightdrive through a traffic light 这不一定是闯红灯,也不见得不是闯红灯---------------------------------------------------------------------------(2) verb + a red light   闯红灯runjumpdrive...

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The relative contents of the five elements (C, N, O, Si, and Al) at 0 surface depths of 3-5 nm were detected by using a machine. 第一处:语法上可以不加,因为elements是复数,但听起来就成了任意的5种;后面的括号,说出了是“这”5种,其实相当于一个定语从句。所以语义上必须加。区别类似:5只狗,这5只狗第...

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There're lots of fun places we can visit. There's tree world.What's tree world?Tree world is a big forest full of trees.It sounds a bit boring.Or there is potato city?What's potato city?There's a tour with potato fields ending with a potato tasting.Sounds interesting.Or there is...

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as I can 的用法

If you need, I can help you build your website.I'd like to participate in developing your website, and I'll try, as much/far as possible, to help make it a wonder.I can make some contributions to the building of your website.I'd appreciate it very much if you could/would get me involved...

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the hardships they endured trying to save their territory from the invading settlers= the hardships they endured while trying to save their territory from the invading settlers但这个while并不是必须的。

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这里的“纠结”其实就是  拿不定注意,左右摇摆, 有很多种译法我第一想到的词是 be in twenty minds

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两句都错第一句,请修正好逻辑主语问题;第二句,没有for encourage students, 也没有for encouraging students (这里)

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