mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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1. forbear from (较旧;= refrain from) 忍住、戒2. burst forth (较旧;=burst out) 突然而猛烈地爆发、出现3. dwell on/upon 想;回忆 (这里根据后面的to burst forth, 也许可理解为“巴望着”)4. so soon to burst forth 修饰that mad maelstrom4a  so soon = earlier than expected; 可...

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​有没有try sb to do

try and force bosses = try to force bosses 类似的,come to sit herecome and sit herecome sit here

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以下出自Swan 的 practical english usage 3rd editionP296这里没做详细说明,只是说明两者都可以。 

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be normally willing to do sth的副词是修饰形容词吗

放里面放外面,整句的意思都差不多。这个 normally 是所谓的“全句副词”,它是修饰整句的。你对比一下generally, 应该比较熟悉。这里的 "全句副词”normally,是一种独立结构,准确点说,是“评注状语”。也就是,它与主语做什么动作没什么直接关系,因为它是说作者、或读者对某事的看法的。

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此题,-- over, through, by 没太大的区别,使用频率依次排列。-- on? 搭配loudspeaker不对,应该写在墙板上用但你可以hear an announcement on the loudspeaker

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most favourite 的说法到底对不对(《英语常用短语用法详解》有...

考试不行,书面语不行,教人家时不行;你自己说行,你听到人家说时也行;如果我确定比你英语水平高时,你在我面前说时,行。 确定你比我高时,不行。D:我在很多人面前,好像都不可以这样说。如果我听到有人说 my absolute favorite sth. 我会觉得这人蛮有文化的,不过也会觉得有点之乎者也。英语中其实要犯点错误的,能正...

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这种没有定论的东西,强行给它下结论,买账的人不会多,自然也没必要去多费那个神,人家怎么喜欢怎么叫、怎么用好了。我倒是觉得,把问题简单化,让英语初学者也能立马掌握结构要点才是重要的。RE: I have bought the book that my teacher says is very useful.英语语法现象,很多时候都不是一种解释方式,能就简是最好的...

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other than后面的名词包不包括在前面名词的范围内


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be in的理解

The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals.= The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfo...

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