mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4032 次

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句中as a chapter on substitute foods shows起什么作用

as a chapter on substitute foods shows,可摆到句尾,变为,which a chapter (on substitute foods) shows,= and a chapter (on substitute foods) shows it,这样意思会稍有改变,但语义与语法整体就那么回事。这与As we all know这种定从是一样的。

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such as一般词典的解释是:of the kind specified  (中文意思是“类同”而不是指“同一”)They all had terrible internal injuries, such as had not been seen in Europe, ...<= ... internal injuries, [which were] such as had not been seen in Europe,...>=&n...

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牛津高级上有 call: (b) consider (sb/sth) to be; regard as 认为 某人[某事物] 是; 看作: I call his behaviour mean and selfish. 我认为他的行为卑鄙﹑ 自私. I would never call German an easy language. 我认为德语可不容易学. ------------So he called the animal they came from an I...

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This question has already been discussed here:

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这句子扭的厉害,我们通常说:抓他,是因为有蜡迹可作证据。但我们不会说抓他,是因为蜡迹已经来自教堂蜡烛了。## 也就是原题句逻辑很不好,结构也非常的扭曲。-------------稍作简化:1. A thief was caught because traces of wax on his clothes,2. ______ from the sort of candles used only in churches.不知1&2...

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满足一下你的好奇心,呵呵。中学级别词汇翻译“People need to earn their livelihood through work and no person who works hard needs to worry about his sustenance." Work opens the door not only to wealth, but also to happiness. “Rise early and retire late. Splash some water over the ground before sw...

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unless 疑惑?

like to do ---> He likes to swim in this river. (平时的爱好)He doesn't like to swim in this river. would like to do ---> He would like to swim in this river. (比如,假如要他选择一条河的话)would like to...通常都会往礼貌方面扯,也多用于建议等方面

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(1) Some assistance was offered (to) him. (by sb)<----> sb offered some assistance (to) him.因为原始句里(to)可省略。(2) A question was asked (of) me. (by him)to ask questions of someone = to ask someone questions.He asked a question of me = A question was asked of me...

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如果把 byXXX 也看成定语,那消费者立马升格成工程师,也可设计3D打印或降低其成本了。 

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这是谁解析的?这老师很有喜感。 (解析链接) unplugged   指没有使用电子扩音或变音的乐器、改编乐曲或音乐表演的,或与之相关的;原声的(ALD)## 稍微看了一下,该空应该是与下文 走向自然,聆听自然中比如昆虫之类的叫声(原声)关联的。43-44空处可得解提问网...

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