mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

13513 经验值
主页被访问 4031 次

653 个回答

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fell below 2.3 是下降到2.3以下,还是下降了不足2.3?

|||A  2.3%||C|below 2.3 % 指A点以下,比如C点by below 2.3%  只是一个差额。至少要知道  起始---终了   两个值中的一个。

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make sense that +句子的用法

make sense1. To be understandable or coherent. These numbers don't make sense. How can there be a deficit if we also have an excess?I've tried asking him but his&...

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I promise .... to do .... :这个do是 “I”去 do.假设有 I promise you to do,  那也是"you" 去 do. 这就不好玩了,因为没逻辑。结构上看上去很类似的错误表达还有:I hope you to do; I suggest you to do 等等.----------------------------------I promise to go. 可以= I promise that I wil...

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按照你的题目结构,注意一下这样的句子转换:I find that he is a good man.I find him a good man.I find that it is important to do sth.I find it important to do sth.1, 复合句---->到单句2. he ---> him; it ---->it 这种 主格到宾格的转换3. him a good man是宾语+宾补而 it important to do sth.&nb...

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1. 估计是 ER, 它后面给它定义了, =the basic paper which the UN adopt.2. 它本身的实质含义,上下文里应该能找得到.

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locked in your room 句式分析

Dr. Watson and I will spend the night locked in your room.你可以稍微变动一下词序:locked in your room. + Dr. Watson and I will spend the night 你后面讲到的,大概的意思是对的,比如:Dr. Watson and I, locked in your room, will spend the night.这样就可以了。

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to me/for me 辨析(it is important to me to be...)

1. give a pen to me2. buy a pen for me-----------------------------------3. to me = in my opinion4. for me = take me for an example-----------------------------------5. It is important for me to do sth

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修饰语或类似的小品词有些位置比较固定,如have already done; are both XXX; give X to Y,等等至于题主说的现象,主要记住“就近修饰”就行。The chap was discouraged from illegally hunting the jungle for those seemingly inactive crocodiles illegally.另,你那句子,我感到有些重复。你可以 love XXX (the) most....

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wait 后接时间名词,for是可以省略的,但没听谁说过说省略要比不省略的好像 wait one's turn / wait tables 这种形式的用法不多,当词组记就可以了学一个算一个,似乎没有什么大而化之的“规则”总结。

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