mengxin Z
mengxin Z

性别: 注册于 2019-06-06

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主页被访问 4031 次

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“I'll never forget the day I joined the army. 这是最自然用法,如果要保留which,介词要用on, I'll never forget the day on which I joined the army. ”----(mikee)---- 这句话很见功底! 【说明】在非正式文体中,表示时间的普通名词后面的关系副词 when 常常由关系副词that 来替代或省略。I...

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Complicated as was the experiment, it was finished in time. (X)要改为√也许可以,但请回到几百年前去再说。Complicated as the experiment was, it was finished in time. ( )这个句子介于 √、?与 X之间,不要问为什么。Though the experiment was complicated, it was finished in time. (√)Fine, 但这样...

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dog 狗肉a dog 一条狗,狗这个种类the dog 这条狗,狗这个种类dogs 狗这个种类the dogs 这些狗脱离语境就很难说哪个是哪个。He likes dog. 他喜欢吃狗肉。He likes the dog. 99%都不太可能是他喜欢狗这个种类。总体,主语决定谓语单复数。也会有个别例外,但那不是规定语法,可以归于惯用法:The Chinese people are a...

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再谈Few would argue that...结构(含美国语用学家劳伦斯•霍恩的...

Few would argue that his team has experience and proven ability.你恐怕还要仔细再读读这几个老外的话。他们的意思是: 没什么人会争辩这点---即 这个队--- 没经验、没能力除了第一个人语焉不详(主要是回答没切题),后2个人的意思都是一样的。这是曹老师的意思,你却选了刘老师的答案。(他们的中间过程我没看,只...

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We won't get there on time,_________ the car doesn't break down.A. even if        B. unless请问这道题能不能选择unless? 1. 这种问题纯属逻辑问题,自己想好就行。2. unless后 接否定词,这根本就不是个事,非常正常。---前提是要符合“底线逻辑”条件。“除非”是“底线”条件,当...

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你从哪里看到的这样说法?不要随意用总结性语句说这种东西。最好就事论事,按一例说一例的事。是的,一般不用having done做定语; 但也有可以的时候,  既使可以,句子也会过于正式或厚重。我以前的帖子讲过这种情况的判断标准。

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双重所有格用法疑问(the eightieth birthday of my grandma's)

这个比较经典的例子是关于照片的:a photo of mine. (属于我的,照片上的人不一定是我)= a photo of my photos.a photo of me.  (照片上的人是我)...  the eightieth birthday of my grandma's.= ...  the eightieth birthday of my grandma's (birthdays).

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"I was wondering" can be used to make indirect polite requests. For example: "I was wondering if I could borrow your book." "I was wondering if you could drive me to the airport.""I wonder" is not used for indirect requests. It is usually used to express your...

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就句论句而言,1. 把Reflecting...还原回去, Though they (= some of ...topics)reflect才会靠谱2. have come to characterize 业已形成特色。。。3. have dominated 实际是  一直以来...4. down the agenda, 推迟;不再在什么会谈中具有优先权大意:一直鬼吵的,现在可以吵个毛了

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only if 和 if only 引导什么从句都需要倒装吗

1. A student is allowed to enter this room only if a teacher has given permission. 2. Only if a teacher has given permission is a student allowed to enter this room.Only if 放句首,一般都倒装。1或2, 随你选用。(我会在permission前加个his/her)Only if you say the model is the best(....)明显这...

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