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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2018-07-28



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That that is is not that that is not, and that that is not is not that that is.先分析逗号前面的句子:第一个 that is 是定语从句,修饰前面的 that,That that is 的意思是“存在的东西”;第二个 that is not 也是定语从句,修饰前面的 that,意思是“不存在的东西”。所以该句的大意就是“实非虚”。逗号后面的句子情况也...

回答于 2023-11-22 20:45

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回答于 2023-11-04 08:20

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改错:He explained us everything.

句子错在 explain 后面接了双宾语。根据 explain 的搭配习惯,它后面不能接双宾语。比较:误:He explained us everything.正:He explained everything to us.

回答于 2023-10-29 21:46

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表示瀑布(如Lower Falls)的专有名词作主语时的主谓一致

表示瀑布(如Lower Falls)的名词作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数,但有时也用复数。如下面一条(摘自《牛津英语搭配词典》):

回答于 2023-10-29 00:00

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文中的介词 to 用得没问题。下面是摘自一本惯用法词典的相关用法:1. 表示两者的“比较”,用compare…with…或compare… to…均可以。如:If you compare his work with / to hers, you’ll find hers is much better. 要是把他俩的工作比较一下,就会发现她的好得多。Having compared the new dictionary with / to the old one,...

回答于 2023-10-28 23:42

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give interview是习惯搭配吗

你的理解刚好反了。正确的理解是:give interviews = 接受采访(被别人采访)get interviews = 进行采访(采访别人)比较:He refused to give an interview. 他拒绝接受采访。I got an interview with the manager. 我采访到了经理。

回答于 2023-10-03 13:13

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start small 是什么意思(为什么在动词后面接形容词)

start small 的意思是“从小处着手”“从小事做起”。这里的 small 不是形容词,是副词,请看以下摘自《剑桥高阶英汉双解词典(第3版)》

回答于 2023-10-01 23:36

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book of books 是什么用法(什么意思)

book of books 的字面意思就是“书中之书”,也就是“书中精品”“经典之作”之类的意思。如:The Bible is the book of books.《圣经》是书之经典。又如:汉语中有时说“人中之人”,指的是“人中俊杰”“杰出人物”等。如:We admit that we are inferior to him in intelligence and ability; he is really a man of men. 我们承认我...

回答于 2023-10-01 20:50

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文中的 lost 在此用作形容词(不是过去分词),注意这里有三个形容词短语并列:absorbed in…, deep in…, lost in…虽然三个形容词短语所用的形容词不同,但意思大致相同,都表示“投入的”“沉迷的”及类似的意思。Ann was completely lost in her book. 安完全沉浸在她的书里了。Richard is totally absorbed in his book. 理查...

回答于 2023-10-01 20:48

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around the world 与 in the world 有什么区别

around the world 与 in the world 的区别,就是介词 around(在……四处)与 in(在……里面)的区别:around the world 的意思是“世界各地”“环绕全球”,相当于“全世界”。如:The Games were watched by millions of people around the world. 全世界几百万人观看了这场运动会。We’ve had messages of support from all around...

回答于 2023-10-01 20:37