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想到两个:make oneself at home, make oneself of importance。例如:Come in and make yourself at home. 请进来,随便点,别客气。He tried to make himself of more importance in the company. 他设法使自己在公司里有更重要的地位。

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句子成分分析(It is not how much...but how much...)

It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts but how much you learn when you do study.这是一个强调句: It is ... that...;同时使用了 not...but...句式(不是……而是……):It is not how much time you allocate for study that counts but how much you learn when you do study.句意:重要的不是你为...

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where I am coming from 有哪些语法


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翻译:potential villain等

The few members of gangs “doing porridge” are a drop in the ocean of potential villains.1. do porridge (=spend time in prison) 坐牢,服刑2. a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟;九牛一毛;冰山一角3. potential villains 潜在的犯罪分子;没有被抓住的犯罪分子句意:被关进牢房的少数几个黑帮成员与众多没有抓住的犯罪...

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根据英语语法,当主语有动词 do 时,系动词 be 后用作表语的不定式可以省略to。所以你的句子加上 to 也完全可以的(因为它只是被省略了而已):The last thing we wanted to do is to cause her any more hardship and emotional turmoil.又如:The only thing to do is (to) write to him. 唯一可做的事是给他写信。(牛津...

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是的,dozen 的意思是 12,不是 13;但 baker’s dozen 的意思是 13。你在词典中查查 baker’s dozen 就知道了,它是个习语。《美国传统英汉双解学习词典》对此的解释是:这是早期面包师的一种习惯,在12个面包之外再额外加上一个,以防份量不足。相当于“一打加一个”。所以你的句子的翻译是对的。

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Do you think there are too many advertisings on TV nowadays?是的,这句的 advertisings 用得不对。这里可以比较一下 advertisement 和 dvertising:advertisement 是可数名词,指具体的一则广告;advertising是不可数名词,笼统地表示广告,含义相对较抽象。所以网友的句子应改为:Do you think there is too much...

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free table是免费的位子还是空位子

free table 的意思是“空位子或空桌子”,不是“免费的位子或桌子”。如:We’ll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。There weren’t any free tables, so I sat at the bar. 没有空位了,我只好坐在吧台旁。你的句子意思是:I’m afraid we don’t have any free tables this evening...

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翻译: America's first man of letters

letters(注意用复数)意思是“文学(作品)”,a man of letters 意思是“文学家”“有文学修养的人”等。如:Chekhov was not only a practicing physician but also a first-rate man of letters.  契诃夫不仅是一位开业的医生,还是一位第一流的作家。Myfriend is not only a man of letters, he is also in excellent t...

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be frequent to happen的用法有错吗

句中的 to happen 是多余的。frequent表示“频繁的”这一意思时,往往已暗含有“频繁发生”这一含义,所以一般不宜再与 to happen 连用。如:这个十字路口经常发生车祸误:Car accidents are frequent to happen at this cross. 正:Car accidents are frequent at this cross-roads. 又如:Earthquakes are frequent in this a...

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