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注意:不定式是非谓语动词,不能做谓语。I can't afford to buy a car. 我买不起小汽车。We will arrange to see him tomorrow. 我们将安排明天见他。你的两个句子中的不定式都是宾语。至于双宾语与复合宾语的区别,你可以参考:http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-29845.html 

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coupe, pair的区别

coupe, pair 均可表示“一对”“一双”,但前者指的是两个同种类的(不是同样的)东西,而后者指的是由两个同样的或相当的东西组成的一对或一双,比如:a couple of shoes 指的是“两只鞋子”,a pair of shoes 指的则是“一双鞋子”。注意体会:I found a couple of socks in the bedroom but they don’t make a pair. 我在卧室里找...

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keep a record of 与make a record of

最佳答案应该是 make。keep a record of 与make a record of均可表示“将……记录下”,但前者侧重指一种习惯(注意 keep 的原始意思是“保持”),后者侧重指一时的动作。比较:Mr Smith kept a careful record of all expenses. 史密斯夫人对一切开支都仔细地作了记录。He made a record of what I said. 他对我说的话作了记录...

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1. 可以认为状语从句省略了 I am。即:So when comparing myself with my classmates, I feel very lucky to live with such a good dad.= So when I am comparing myself with my classmates, I feel very lucky to live with such a good dad.2. 也可以认为状语从句的谓语是由一般现在时简化来的。如:So when comparing...

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take a journey 不合英语习惯吗

朗文英语正误词典(最新版)认为 take a journey 是错的,给出的正误句是:× Then we’ll rent a car and have a journey through Scotland. √ Then we’ll rent a car and go on a tour of Scotland. 但事实上,take a journey 的说法有时是可以见到的(只是比较少见)。如:They decided to take a train journey. (Mis) (张...

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father and mother与mother and father

没错,汉语的习惯是要说“父母”,不说“母父”,但英语说 father and mother 与mother and father 都可以。在古代中国,以男性为尊,所以要说“父母”(父在前,母在后);同样的原因,汉语要说“兄妹”,不说“妹兄”,但英语说 brother and sister 和 sister and brother 都可以。这也在一定程度上体现了英美国家的男女平等。(不再...

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两者表示射击时的区别只是形式不同而已:shoot 是原形,shot 是过去式和过去分词。

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【have been+名词】的理解

同意刘老师的说法。be用于现在完成时是很正常也是很普通的用法。分类举例如下(最普通的三类)have been + 名词(带不定冠词)She has been a nurse for 20 years. 她当护士已有二十年了。The children have been a great comfort to me through all of this. 在这件事的整个过程中,孩子们是我很大的安慰。have been + 名...

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fit…to…与 fit…with…比较

fit…to…与fit…with…的区别:前者指“使…与…适合”,后者指“给…安装…”。比较:Let me fit my plan to yours. 让我的计划来配合你的计划。We fitted the front door with a new lock.= We fitted a new lock on the front door. 我们给前门安装了新锁。网友的句子意思:The judges should fit the punishment to the crime. 法...

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