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Corporate America(美国公司)的词序问题

根据 MacMillan English Dictionary,corporate America 可视为惯用搭配,意思是 big businesses in the U.S.,即美国的各个大企业或大公司,有时也翻译成“美国企业界”。如:(1) a powerful group that represents corporate America (=big businesses in the U.S.) 代表美国大公司的强大集团(摘自MacMillan English Dicti...

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是的啊,主动用法是“自己关自己”,那被动用法就是“自己被自己关”。比较:He likes being shut up in his bedroom on Sundays.=He likes shutting himself up in his bedroom on Sundays.

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简单地说,不定冠词之所以冠以“不定”两字,就是因为它的主要特点就是“不确定”或“泛指”;定冠词之所以冠以“定”字,就是因为它的主要特点是“确指”或“特指”。比较:1. We need a boy who knows how to cook. 我们需要一个会做饭的男孩。(boy前用不定冠词,表示任何一个会做饭的男孩)2. We need the boy who knows how to coo...

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这里的 involved 是形容词,is involved 表示现在的状态。类似的用法如:He is ill. 意思是“他病了”,指他现在处于生病的状态。若换作动作动词,则可以用一般过去时。比较:Now Mr Smith is ill.Soon Mr Smith fell ill.再比较:I can't believe the news that my father is involved in...

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单独来看,在 one car to every twenty people 中,无法断定介词短语是定语。你最好给出一个完整的句子来分析。比如根据你给出的短语,我们造一个句子:Current estimates suggest a ratio of one car to every twenty people, and the figure is rising.  目前的估计表明,每20人有一辆车,而且这个数字在上升。这里...

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be of the same age还是be at the same age

本句应填 of,be of the same age 意思是“同龄”。又如:Compared with other children of the same age, Robert is very tall.  和其他同龄孩子相比,罗伯特长得很高。One usually associates with people of the same age as oneself.  人们通常与自己年纪相仿的人交往。Blood samples were taken from a group...

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where 可以用作动词 visit 的宾语吗

visit 确实可以用及物或不及物动词,但这并不代表这个句子就一定是对的,而且我个人认为,这个句子通常是错的,除非它表示很特殊的语境。1. 如果用这个句子表示“你今年打算参观什么地方”,则这个句子是错的,应改为:What place(s) are you going to visit this year?体会对话:A:What place(s) are you going to visit th...

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300元=three million of money吗

可以说:three million of money也可说:three million yuan / dollars但在实际语境中,通常只说 three million 就可以了。We spent three million on the bridge.The new library cost them three million.

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arrange sth for sb 对吗

arrange 用作及物动词,其后只能接安排所做的事,即说arrange sth (for sb)。如:Beth arranged a meeting with the marketing director. 丝安排了和营销主管开会。She arranged her program so that she could have Mondays off. 她把自己的活动作了安排, 空出星期一来休息。注意 arrange 用作及物动词时,其后不可接某人...

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due to 后接动词过去式的疑问

The additional fibres induce pores due to reduced dispersion efficiency.是的,reduced是过去分词,在这里被用作形容词。类似的用法如:Due to increased demand, another six thousand copies are to be printed. 由于需求量增加,将再加印六千册。Many species of animals and plants have been put out of existence...

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