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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2018-07-28



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网的三道习题:1. If I ____ (earn) a good salary, I wouldn’t think of changing my job.2. I wouldn’t buy the picture even if I ____ (afford) it.3. If I____ (use) a typewriter, I would save a lot of time.所给的标准答案:were earning; could afford; could use第1题答案完全可以是: earned。第2题和第3题的 c...

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5 赞同

it 还是 what

本题很容易错选 A,认为两空均考查形式主语。其实本题的答案是 C,第一空填形式主语,真正的主语是其后的不定式 to learn grammar。第二空填 what,what is the most important 是主语从句,注意 what is the most important 后的谓语动词 is。请做以下类似试题:(1) I know ______ is important to know my own limitation...

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8 赞同

Not as long as…的用法疑问

你的改动语法上是对的,意思也是对的,但风格变了,变得不那么像“小说”了。句中的 Not as long as he keeps this up 可理解为省略用法,相当于 I can't do anything with him as long as he keeps this up /  Neither of us can do anything with each other as long as he keeps this up  的省略...

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修饰 someone, somebody, everyone 等的形容词也要后置吗

不管是指事的不定代词,还是指人的不定代词,当它们受到形容词修饰时,通常都要后置。如:1. 形容词修饰指事的不定代词——后置There’s something odd about him. 他有些奇怪。No, there is nothing special. 不,没有什么特别的东西。I didn't see anything wrong with her. 我看不出她有什么地方不对。In the 1930’s ev...

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英语单词的引申义指是由基本义延伸出来的意思,如 travel 的基本义是“旅行”,但它可引申指“目光扫视”。如:His eyes traveled around the classroom. 他扫了一眼整个教室。英语单词的比喻义其实也是一种引申,但是一种更为抽象的引申,如 black eye 本义是指黑色的眼睛,也引申指因伤或被打而发青的眼圈,但如果说 a p...

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70 赞同

张满胜怼英语答疑网(涉及2017天津卷的on next Saturday)

这确实是一个有趣的问题,但我支持答疑网陈老师的解答。我的理由和思考如下:1. 关于next Monday (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday)这类时间短语不与介词 on 搭配的问题——我估计连初中生都应该知道,这不算是一个很难的语言点,我不相信是高考题出错了(如果连这种初中生都应该知道的语言点被错误...

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Bathed in the warm sunshine, we entertained us with stories, songs, dances and games. 句中 bathed 的原形不是 bath,而是 bathe。因为动词 bath 只有“洗澡”的意思,没有“沐浴在阳光中”的意思。你查一查词典便知,bathe有个习语是be bathed in light / sunshine etc(沐浴在光线/阳光等之中),所以你的句子只能...

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even as 的用法疑问

even as 不是副词 ,是连词,在此用于引导时间状语从句,意思是“就在……时”。句意:Even as he shouted the warning the car skidded. 就在他大声发出警告时,车打滑了。英英词典对 even as 的解释是:conj.1. at the same time as2. just at the same time as sb does sth or as sth else happens 3. used for emphasi...

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for sb 在句子中作什么成分

for sb 均为状语,如果要细分的话,可以是这样:He works for his family. 他为家人工作。(目的状语)He works for our company. 他为我们公司工作。(对象状语)He kept some food for his son. 他为自己留了些食物。(对象状语)Can you translate this letter for me? 你能为我翻译这封信吗?(对象状语)

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3 赞同

England 作主语时谓语动词用单数还是复数

你的句子用单数或复数都可以。即:England is / are through to the World Cup finals. 英格兰队进入了世界杯决赛。 England 有两个用法:一是表示地点(=英格兰,英国),二是表示球队(=英格兰队)。用于不同的意思,其用法也不同。1. 表示地点(=英格兰,英国),作主语时,谓语动词用单数。如:England was once m...

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