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napkin 与 tissue 的区别

1. tissuetissue 的意思是:手巾纸;面巾纸。是人们随身携带用于擦手、擦脸等之用,相当于人们过去用的手帕。牛津词典的解释是: a piece of soft paper that absorbs liquids, used especially as a handkerchief(吸收液体的软纸,尤其是当作手帕用的那种)2. napkin napkin 的意思是餐巾(可以是纸或布),即用于铺在桌...

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4 赞同


你的宾语从句有主语啊,主语就是what。这个what为缩合连接代词,相当于 a time that / which。即:With the discovery of the new world, we have entered a time that / which looks like ours most period of prosperity.又如:Tell me what happened in your words. 用你的话把所发生的事情告诉我。(这里的 what 是宾语...

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10 赞同

be married, get married 表示状态和动作的疑问

get married 只表示动作,不表示状态,这是没有疑问的。但 be married 既可表示动作(即将看作是被动语态),也可表示状态(即将其看作是系表结构),你的句子中的 were married 就是被动语态的用法。比较:They were married on the third of November. 他们11月3日结婚。(被动语态)We were married for ten long years....

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9 赞同


简单地说,what-从句作主语或宾语时能否外置,与 what 的用法有关:1. what 表示疑问意味时,可以(但不是必须)外置。如:非外置:What he wants is not known.外置:It is not known what he wants.2. what 用作融合型连接代词(即相当于“先行词+关系代词”)时,不可以外置。如:What he says is true.What he needs is j...

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natural science 与 physical science 的区别

natural science与 physical science的区别:共同点是:它们都包括物理、化学、地质、天文等学科。不同点是:natural science 包括生物学,而 physical science 不包括生物学,朗文词典对physical science 的解释是 the sciences, for example CHEMISTRY and PHYSICS, that are concerned with studying things that are no...

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3 赞同

I made what I hoped was a ...句式对吗

我觉得这个句子是对的。这个句子的分析可能有个误解,就是将 what I hoped was 分析为宾语,将an attractive proposition 分析为宾补。所以感觉what I hoped was中多了一个 was。 其实,这个句子中整个what I hoped was an attractive proposition 都是动词 made 的宾语,只不过在这个宾语中有个插入语 I hoped。如果...

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没有特定的上下文,我觉得答案并不唯一。下面红色部分是我认为可能的答案:1. If she has promised / promises to be here, she will certainly come. 2. If he says / has said that, he must be a fool. 3. If I was out of work, I did / would do some odd jobs. 4. If you spent the night on the train, you pro...

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12 赞同


1. 概念说明:现在分词属于非谓语动词,不能单独用作谓语,所以从语法角度看,它没有真正意义上的主语。但是,现在分词也是一种动词,它所表示的动作自然有其相应的执行者——这个动作的执行者既可能是句子的主语或宾语等,也可能是加在现在分词前的特定的人或物。这个具体表明动作执行者的主语,就叫现在分词的逻辑主语。如...

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7 赞同

be difficult to be done的用法对吗

你的句子不对:误:The question is difficult to be answered.正:The question is difficult to answer.正:It is difficult to answer the question.相关原因请参考:http://www.yygrammar.com/Article/201309/3444.html http://ask.yygrammar.com/q-2086.html 

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网友的两道题:1. If my father ____ (say) such a thing to me, I would tell him to mind his own business.  2. If you _____(stay) in England just a few months longer, your English would probably show a noticeable improvement.所给答案是: were to say; were to stay完全可以用: said, stayed

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