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stand and deliver 是什么意思

Stand and deliver! 是从前拦劫过路旅的强盗在实施抢劫时的用语,意思是:站住,留下值钱的东西;站住,留下买路钱。网友句子的意思是:The robber stopped the coach and demanded of Lady Ellen, “Stand and deliver!” 劫匪拦住马车,对艾伦命令道:“站住,留下买路钱。”

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可以的,这里的 earn 不是“挣(钱)”,而是指“获得(利息等)”。又如:The bonds earn five percent interest.The money earns 7% interest. The investment should earn you 5%.

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祈使句的主要用法是表示命令和请求,但除此之外还有其他许多用法,归纳起来,主要有以下一些:(1) 表示命令。如:Nobody move. 任何人都不许动。Drop that gun, or I’ll shoot you. 放下枪,不然我就打死你。(2) 表示请求。如:Please help me for a few minutes. 请帮我几分钟。Do forgive me, I didn’t mean to be rude....

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enter 后面到底能否接介词 into 的区别是:1. 若表示进入某一具体场所、建筑物等,是及物动词,其后一般不接介词 into。如:我一进屋大家就安静了下来。误:Silence fell as I entered into the room.正:Silence fell as I entered the room.2. 若是表示开始进入或从事某一状态或活动,或用于较抽象的概念,则可后接 into...

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可否直接说estimated £30 million

不可以直接说 estimated £30 million。estimate 的意思只是表示“估计或估算”,并不表示“估计或估算……的数量为……”,要表示后者的意思需用estimate sth at…。如:I estimate her age at 35. 我估计她有三十五岁。Organizers estimated the crowd at 50,000 people. 组织者估计参加的人数大概有5 万。Unemployment has been un...

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分析:He is not the good person we thought him.

He is not the good person we thought him.分析:we thought him 是定语从句,其前省略了作宾语补语的关系代词 who 或 that。定语从句的结构是 think him a good person.句意:他不是我们原来以为那样的好人。

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point out the true cost of the monarchy是什么意思

It's time for us to point out the true cost of the monarchy.It's time for sb to do sth = 是某人做某事的时候了。point out = 指出;弄清;知晓the true cost = 真正的费用the monarchy = 王室,皇室全句意为:是该我们弄清王室真正花费的时候了。我们是该要对王室的真正花费有所知晓了。

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feel compelled to do sth的理解

问题解答:是的,这里的compelled可以看作是形容词,但仍有被动意味,意思是“被迫的,不得不,有必要”。你的句子意思是:If only you hadn’t felt compelled to meddle. 只要你没有觉得是被迫去干预就好。更多例句:He felt compelled to resign from his job. 他感到不得不辞职。He felt compelled to report the incident...

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你的句子中的 that 是关系代词,不是指示代词,它只有单数形式,没有复数形式。关系代词用于引导定语从句,不管它修饰的名词是单数还是复数,都用that,不能用those。又如:She burst the chains that held her. 她挣脱了绑她的链条。Please correct the items that have a star. 请改正带星号的条目。He marked the sectio...

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“半年”的翻译是six months还是half a year

下面的内容摘自薄冰《薄冰英语用法问答1144例》:问:我曾看到这样的话:“英语国家的人不说 half a month, 而说 two weeks 或 a fortnight; 他们也不说 half a year,而说 six months”,可是《现代英语惯用法词典》则说可以说 half a year, 请问这是怎么回事?答:英语国家的人一般是不说或很少说 half a month 或 half a y...

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