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性别: 湖南 - 长沙 注册于 2018-07-28



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4 赞同

not A and B 还是 not A or B


回答于 2021-11-17 19:40

6 赞同

come in many shapes的用法

其中的 come 表示某事物(尤其指某产品)的呈现形式(包括规格、颜色、形状、款式、浓度等)。网友的句子意思是:Xi’an’s dumplings come in many shapes, colors and sizes. 西安饺子的形状、颜色和大小都有很多种。更多例句如:Shoes come in many shapes and sizes. 鞋子有多种样式和尺码。The pieces came in many diff...

回答于 2021-11-14 08:50

5 赞同

with butterflies in my stomach用法疑问

习语:have/get/feel butterflies (in your stomach)你说得对,have/get/feel butterflies (in your stomach) 是习语,意思是“(做某事前)情绪紧张,心里发慌”。如:I have butterflies in my stomach. 我心里七上八下的。Some actors never have butterflies before going on stage. 有些演员上台前从不紧张。He had butt...

回答于 2021-11-06 11:53

4 赞同

out of the door 如何理解

out of room 和 out of the door 都表示“在房间的外面”。严格说来,out of the door 是“出门”的意思。I woke up early and rushed out of the door in my eagerness to get to know my new school. 我一大早醒来就冲出家门,迫不及待地想要了解我的新学校。又如:Rick turned and ran out of the door. 里克转身从门口跑出...

回答于 2021-11-05 21:35

4 赞同


impression 后面接介词 of 或介词 on 都可以,但网友句子中的 of 不可换成 on。impression后接介词of(对…的印象)和on(给…的印象)时意思不同。以下截图来自:https://www.cpsenglish.com/article/415

回答于 2021-11-05 20:06

3 赞同

which type of后面可以接复数名词吗

要么是你记错了,要么是你看的资料书写错了。正确的说法是:在 this type of, that type of, what type of, which type of 后面接可数名词时用单或复数均可,但以单数形式为普遍。由于用单数名词的例多比较常见,下面列举一些用复数的例句:Which type of battery lasts longest? 哪一种电池使用寿命最长?(《牛津英语用法...

回答于 2021-10-27 23:43

7 赞同


你说的“书”上说的不准确,那只是一般情况。你的两个句子过多全正确:She’s an interesting person but her husband is a real nothing. 她是个有趣的人,可是她丈夫却微不足道。Their distressed expressions told me everything; they did not need to speak. 他们优伤的表情把一切都告诉我了; 用不着再说什么了。对于-ed...

回答于 2021-10-27 23:32

5 赞同


first-ever 中的后缀-ever用于表示强调。至于跟first-ever类似的构词例子,比较典型的是将-ever用于最高级后面(表示“迄今为止最……的”“有史以来最……的”)。如:The pound has fallen to its lowest-ever level against the dollar. 英镑对美元的汇率下跌到历史最低水准。219 people were killed in the country’s worst-eve...

回答于 2021-10-27 19:54

3 赞同

主谓一致问题(the whole school作主语)

你的句子用单数或复数都可以。在通常情况下,the whole school(全校师生)作主语时被视为整体看待,其后的谓语动词用单数,但也可以后接复数动词(即侧重考虑其个体成员)。The whole school was / were cheering the winner. 全体师生都在为获胜者喝彩。又如:The whole school is / are going on a picnic next Sunday. ...

回答于 2021-10-26 18:35

9 赞同

go to a place for some time的深层分析(续-时间状语还是目的状...

关于这个问题,我来说说我的个人看法,不一定对,不妥或错误之处,请各位指正!1. 我觉得把 for 短语看作时间状语更合适,因为我们通常不会把“一段时间”作为目的来看待,我觉得这里可以作为“目的”看待的其实应该是省略的不定式,比如:He went to Italy for a week.本句其实相当于:He went to Italy to stay there for a w...

回答于 2021-10-12 08:01