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关系分析如果包括名词性关系分析的话,显然是可以的。在句子里面做主语宾语等:That is not what I want. ( What I want名词性关系分句)也可以做状语,What's more remarkable, he managed to inspire confidence in the most suspicious people.(按照夸克的分析,这个句首的wh分句是名词性关系分句,当然有人可能会争辩...

回答于 2022-03-17 15:57

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recognize as相关问题


回答于 2022-03-17 15:48

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1)为什么用by the telescope 特指?书上翻译成“不可能找到比行星更小的物体” - 应属错误,应该是“不可能找到和行星一样大的物体”吧?每次观察用一个望远镜,指的就是那一个,特指。书上的翻译没有错,你那个翻译也可以,as... as... 比较结构保证了相等,但不排除更大。这种隐含意思否定里面很明显Tom isn't as smart as B...

回答于 2022-03-16 13:30

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such as with是什么意思

跟前两天的这个different from in China差不多。可以理解为such as treatment with...当然你删掉with也可以。实际意思差不多,但是构思不一样。

回答于 2022-03-15 21:41

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关于英文句子的提问:Chinese and Western food is often very d...

同意。应该用复数Chinese and Western foods are often different.事实上也可以用单数,但后面要用are:Chinese and Western food are different. (仅供参考)

回答于 2022-03-13 11:04

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leave sb doing sth再议(分词作状语时逻辑主语与宾语相关)

我觉得分析成分是次要的,关键是理解意思。问题可演化为第2句(第一句来自词典)合适吗:1. I left the children watching television.2. The child left his parents watching television.

回答于 2022-03-11 23:31

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这个句子中chased after是什么成分

我认为这个句子有问题,网上能搜到两个版本,下面这个才是对的However, it was strange that after they came out of the hole, they did not run away immediately. Instead, one ran after the other near the mouth of the hole. It seemed that one was trying to bite the tail of the other.

回答于 2022-03-08 11:38

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句子正误判断(涉及in 10 minutes' time)

按照剑桥语法这个句子有点问题,错误在于at least和in + 时间段,这两种结构语义不搭配。书上的意思是in结构,暗示了一个相对短的时间。按照我的理解,in后边给出的只能是上限。这句话的意思我觉得可以这样说,it will be at least 10 minutes before the doctor arrives. It will take at least 10 minutes for the doctor...

回答于 2022-03-06 14:18

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1. I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was as aware of my presence as I was of him.   2. I stared into the blackness and wondered if he was as aware of my presence as I was aware of him.   这两个句子都是对的。首先说一下术语,上面句子里边领句标黑的部分叫比较项,从句里面标黑的叫,比较对应项...

回答于 2022-03-03 15:39

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简单回答:不同的语法结构可以并列。对并列成分的要求实际上是:功能相同。形式可以不同。比如,It was extremely expensive and in bad taste. (形容词短语和介词短语并列) He became very forgetful and an embarrassment to his family.(形容词短语和名词短语并列)但以上两句并列成分都做的是表语,可行。 如果功能...

回答于 2022-02-24 09:51