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对的。放到这个词条解释下面,就说明这句话的含义是: 山上的积雪可能会厚达5英寸。比如,一年之中因为气温变化,山上的积雪会有厚薄变化,最厚时候可能会厚达5英寸,这是一种理论上的可能。

回答于 2021-03-24 13:29

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The boy was scared by the sudden burst of the balloon .这个...


回答于 2021-03-20 17:06

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高中人教版英语必修三第14页,文章第五行有个句子,she did not...

需要上下文进一步判断。如果直接说的话:  But和and的选择主要取决于说话人主观认为两句话之间是否有转折关系。  He is rich but he is happy. He is rich and he is happy.这两句话都有可能区别在于如果说上面那一句说话,人潜意识里面认为, 在正常的逻辑下, 富有的人不会高兴。对于你这句话来说,如果说话人认为,  She did...

回答于 2021-03-20 10:15

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 Left虽然有的词典标为形容词,但是我认为理解为过去分词比较好, 因为一般都是做后置修饰的,He's got plenty of money left...他还剩有大把的钱。•They still have six games left to play.left如果理解为完成体-ed: All she has left _ ,意思是她所抛弃的一切。 Left如果理解为被动ed: All she has _ left, 意思是她所拥...

回答于 2021-03-20 10:04

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这句话也可以用trying.区别在于to be trying明确表示, You are trying that again and again.直接用trying就没有这层含义,你有可能正在做,你也有可能不在做-- 只是单纯的问你,如果重复做那件事会使你烦吗?

回答于 2021-03-17 23:59

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long time no see这句话的表达对吗?

1. 虽然不符合英语语法,但母语者一般都能接受。可以简单推测一下它是怎么构成的:For a long time, there is no "see".see在这里没有变形却当做了一个名词(不合规),用法类似于下面这个句子的第2个there。When something is substantive, there is a lot of there  there  https://www.cpsenglish.com/question/488552....

回答于 2021-03-16 22:23

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请问老师这里为什么用crashing down?

结构是Bring somebody something.Crashing down=something.给他们的生活带来crashing down, crashing down动名词,作直接宾语。

回答于 2021-03-16 21:59

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形容词+to do 相关疑问

1. To fool him is easy for us.2. For us to fool him is easy.3. He is easy for us to fool.4. He is easy to fool for us.5. It is easy for us to fool him. 从语法上来说,这几个句子都对,我再补充一个6. For us, it is easy to fool him.这些句子都比较短,随便移来移去,如果拿去问母语者的话,可能有人会觉得不自...

回答于 2021-03-16 21:52

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for sb.按不定式的逻辑主语还是状语理解好

挺有意思的问题,不过想分析的话,只要思路清晰也不难——句法是句法,语义是语义,要把这两个分开。如果允许for 引出的主语放到后边,这才是打破规则,人为添乱。比如随便写几组:We arranged for a car to collect us from the airport.*We arranged to collect us from the airport for a car.All I want is for you to be...

回答于 2021-03-14 21:39

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In France, on the other hand, the head of the state is a pre...

这是一个有意思的问题。我想了想,估计也没人认可我说法,但,我还是想说这个是:类指。the head of the state(可以归为类指) is a president(无所指).相当于the tiger is a (dangerous)animal (as opposed to a plant).

回答于 2021-03-13 22:18