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没有绝对的可以用、不可以用。视情景不同,website前面 on、at、in都可以使用:Some 60% of its traffic comes from Google, which has invested in the website.  --- The Economist Those wishing to share memories may do so at the website http://www.ilasting.com under Bud Sherak.--- The New York Times

回答于 2021-11-23 18:00

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网友的这个问题,还需要进一步明确才好,因为你的提问和你的例句不相符 ^_^:如果你是搞不懂为什么“birthday / wedding celebrations” 中的celebration这个词要加s,原因很简单:既然在该词条下,celebration是做可数名词,那么根据countable noun can't stand alone这条规则,后面自然要加上s,除非你前面加the;如果是不理...

回答于 2021-11-20 16:32

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of sth这类介词短语做定语时是否存在前置现象

of all (the)  是个 idiom(习惯用语),用于表达吃惊、愤怒、反对等意思的短语中。所以你不能把它直接等同于介词短语of sth。

回答于 2021-11-20 00:23

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语法分析:Where there you are, there is paradise.

Wherever you go, there you are. 【Proverb】 More examples: There you are in the early light of day There you are in the quiet words I pray ...... There you are in standing in a crowded room There you are the earth and I'm the moon ...... Martina McBride的这首 There You Are 也可以去听听 一家...

回答于 2021-10-21 23:58

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teach sb sth 与 teach sb about sth 的区别

teach sb sth: show sb how to do sth所以,teach kids plastic waste  就是教小孩如何制造塑料垃圾之类的意思teach sb about sth:help someone learn about something by giving them information所以,teach kids about plastic waste 就是通过提供相关信息让小孩了解塑料垃圾(相关知识)之类的意思一家之言,仅供参考...

回答于 2021-10-21 23:11

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1)介词不能当主语,但是介词片语当名词使用时,是可以作为句子的主语的:Before 7 am is a bad time to call me. 七点以前最好不要打给我。From July to September is the peak season for tourism here. 从七月到九月是这个地方的旅游旺季。2)原文出自 Susan Newman 博士之手,15部畅销书作者,经常给美国各大媒体撰稿,...

回答于 2021-10-21 17:36

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谢邀。 在... is one thing, ... is (quite) another 这个结构中,用连词,用分号,和都不用(像浙江卷),都是正确的,或者说都是acceptable的。后者多见于口语或非正式文体,这个可以通过多阅读国外报刊验证。比如类似的句子:To think about contentment is one thing, to be content is quite another.

回答于 2021-10-21 13:37

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回答于 2021-10-19 00:23

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go to a place for some time的深层分析(续-go away for some t...


回答于 2021-10-18 00:53

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应该用drove。这道题的关键词是the first time,其后面的时态常用过去时,而不是进行时。网友可以搜搜字典的例句或者报刊杂志的例句。刘老举的例句“When I was driving on a country road for the first time, I saw a bird flying in front of my car.”,因为没有使用the first time这个词组,当然是可以用进行时的。另外...

回答于 2021-10-15 18:43